How do I kick someone out who doesn't pay rent
How do i find out if my landlord filed eviction papers
What is the process to get my ex girlfriend who has lived with me for 3 years evicted?
In 2011 I was late with my rent payment. I received a notice to pay or vacate. I immediately paid the rent past due and late fees in full. The following month my lease expired, I paid my rent due and moved out. Fast forward to 2013 I find out the apartment filed a forcible/special detainer. Is this legal? Am I able to dispute the judgement? Please help. Thanks
Two weeks ago I had a discussion with my landlord and his wife about being two weeks late on my rent and would need to pay it on the 14th of November. They were kind and said that would be fine and to come in around rent time to fill out a promissory note. During that time and now his (the landlord's) wife left him because he was very abusive. Now Sunday Nov 2nd I went in to fill out the contract to pay on the 14th and the landlord said he was evicting anyone who had anything to do with her. What can I do I am a single dad with no family in AZ.
My friend has to go to court on a vacation. And he decided to settle and move out by the 10 Dec but I moved in and I can't get out that soon do I have any rights what can I do
In early February, my spouse and I received a Notice of Non-Renewal of Lease without reason. We were given until March 31st to turn in the keys & pay March's rent. Our uniy has many health and safety issues which the property management company continues to ignore. This may or may not be as the repairs cannot be done if we still occupy the unit.We could not make the rent for March. With no option to stay, finding a new one with the money to put down was crucial. My spouse works an 'Essential' job in unsanitary conditions-in fear of contracting covid-19. Can we defend more time when its safe?
I recently was Evicted from my apartment and locked out by the constable. Unfortunately I was unable to remove all of my belonging and was told I need to return make arrangements with the landlord to get the rest of my things. When I returned i was told that someone must have stolen my things. What do I do? I made a police report, But the property management told me they will not replace any of my things . Can anyone tell me what rights I have and what I should do thank you any help is much appreciated .
After living at our current Apartment for well over a year I was offered employment by the Property Manager. I accepted the FT employment began working for the same company that I rent from. As an employee I received a discounted rent then what is stated on my current and active lease. After stating concerns regarding Fair Housing laws not being followed to the Property Manager I was terminated on a false accusation of theft. In my Letter of Termination it states I have less then 7 days to vacate the property as it is a benefit of employment. I lived here before I worked here can she do this?
I have 4 grandchildren living me for the last 13 to 14 yrs. Their mother has been in and out and currently on probation. I'm done. They have all become as disrespectful as their mother and I have told them, they need to get out of my house. I refuse to work everyday and come home to a pig pen, when I am the only one paying the bills. The 16 year old told me she that her mother said they don't have to go any where. I have to give her a 30 day notice. Is this true? I cant wait 30 days. I can't call the police and have them removed?