
Criminal Law


  • Is it possible to sue a financial estate guardian because they did not let family know where a disabled veteran was and it caused him to be mistreated.
  • I was assaulted by my 29yr old Daughter. I called 911 and told the officer I needed paramedics and wanted to press charges. neither happened. I was asked to leave for the night! I took many pictures of bumps, bruises etc. can I go back and press charges?
  • About 2 months ago, I trusted my car to someone I thought was a friend because they claimed to need transportation to their job. I have not seen my car since and this person broke off all communication. I have no idea where either this person or my car are. The police will not help because I gave this person the keys. They say it's a civil matter and to file a suit. How can a suit be filed if the whereabouts of the person are unknown. I need to know what my options are and want this person held accountable for stealing my car.
  • I checked my credit rating and found out that someone used my ssn and name to purchase a house in Phoenix Arizonia. What do I do? WHre to I go to confrim this information is true?
  • My sister used my name and DOB when she was involved in a car accident The officer just took her word for it she had no proof she was who she said she was. My sister has four warrents. I dont know what I need to do to get out of this mess it just happened yesterday.
  • My teenage daughter and I were both arrest for domestic violence and both of us were prosecuted. Same case yet we were both identified as defendants which very effectively eliminated any accountability especially by the courts to address "Victim's Rights" at all. The words "dominate aggressor" does not exist , at least not in the statues in AZ. So my question is: How do the courts justify this? Is this ethical? Every justification so far has been absolutely absurd. Have you thought this through at all? Obviously: no victim, double fees, more income, more DV programs as Dual arrests increase
  • If i'm assaulted by a correctional officer and they claim asualt on them, do I have right to sue or press charges?
  • My mom recently took her car in for brake change..she even supplied the breaks..left her name and phone number and said she would be back at 4pm to pick it up..she goes back to pick it up and the bill is $590..they did all her rotars too.which she is not disputing she might of needed them..but noone from the comoany called her and asked her if she wanted this extra work done..and now she is stuck with this $590 bill she wasnt expecting..jus went in for brakes
  • If you win a worksmans can you still sue the owner? And if you can how long do you have to file?
  • Do police officers need a reason to pull you over also can they search your car without a warrant



  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program