
Family and Children


  • If a child is born out of wedlock and the parents later marry,then separate does the father have equal paternal rights to that child?
  • Does the class have to be court ordered? If not how can I take the class. My significant other and I have split recently after 9 years and we have a 6 year old daughter.
  • I am a stepparent. My husband's ex indicated that I can not sign permission slips for the kids to attend school field trips. I checked with the district and they said I could as long as my husband agreed. I always send a copy of the permission slip to his ex (she has never provided the same courtesy to my husband). I want to do what is right and legal. May I continue to sign permissions slips and pay for field trips or must my husband sign these slips?
  • My wife recently seperated with our unborn child, and i have to get an essesment done before i can be at the birth of our child, which is very soon, If i am not there or even if i am, what rights does she have to name our our child
  • My husband and I are getting divorced and have 4 children under the age of 12. We have not been able to reach an agreement on custody and temporary orders  included that joint physical custody be granted. In addition, there are "parentling evaluations" scheduled . What is a "Parenting evaluation" and what kinds of questions should I expect? Will there be an opportunity for me to provide the evaluator with inforation? Thank you!
  • Am I legally able to move out of state with my son, if the father is on the birth certificate? He has been active in our sons life as well as paying for his needs. However I am not safe nor is my children's state of mind and well being. There is 15 years of emotional, physical and mental abuse from him. My children as well as myself want a safe home and stability. I can't provide that unless I relocate. I have a job lined up in the new state as well as a home I can afford on my own The town sheriff is 200 feet away from me as well as CIA behind me I would be renting my home from family friends
  • My ex husband and I have joint custody and he has court ordered visitation. He was a recovering alcoholic during our divorce and has since relapsed. He planned on going to rehab but his insurance will not cover it so he has not taken his visitation in 3 weeks. According to him he is being evaluated for psychiatric disorders in place of rehab. He struggles with compulsive lying, gambling, sex addiction. I suggested counseling for our children and he blew up and denied approving such care. He now says he will start taking his visitation again but is very unstable. What can I do to keep kids safe
  • Questions on the rights of unmarried fathers-Is it possible to get a court order for a paternity test while the mother is still pregnant (we are not married), or does AZ not recognize those tests? Is it possible to have the mother court ordered to allow me at prenatal appts and the birth of my unborn child? Lastly, do I (as an unmarried father) have any rights at all while the mother is still pregnant? I understand I can gain rights AFTER the child is born, but I would like to be involved long before that.
  • My baby father of two kids and now one on the way which will make three and i got our children unwilling tooken aaway and place in my mother custody almost three years ago beacuase we were young and dumb and gotten into a domestic violence dispute we didnt have thingthings etablished like we needed to i willing signed my rights to my mother but my baby father didnt nnw that we have had a stable income no domestic violence disputes for going on three years and have a safe and stable living environment with a home we have shared and have had stable housing dor almost two yrs can we get them back
  • What do I need to do about getting my kids from my husband who doesn't even care for them properly? And IF my fincaee has a weed card does that stop me from having my kids full time?



  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program