I live in & was divorced in Maricopa Co. My ex owes arrears, and we are currently undergoing modification. Can you pls tell me how to get a correct arrears amount? The only resource I found says I need to pay a $58 fee and write in requesting them-is there any way to get them with no fee? Thank you.
If your name has legally been removed from the childs birth do you still have to pay child support
I pay $600 a month for one child. not including airfare for visitation. I now have a new dependant soley depending on me and was denied a DES modification. I don't understand how the child support was not decreased? How should I go about to get the currrent child support modified?
i make my child support payments on time and i am never behind. but i have reason to believe that the money is not being spent for my kids but to better her and her new husbands lives. Can i demand to see receipts that she is actually spending the money for my kids?
My new husband owes back child support. Am I responsible as his new wife for his back child support
I just found out that my ex is in jail. I tried to get CS from him before with no luck - is it possible to attach and order to his current case?
who do i make the actual check im sending to the child support clearinghouse out to? my ex-wife? the clearinghouse itself? the court?
How can I get assistance in filing a child support modification in the state of AZ when the other party is refusing to cooperate? I currently cannot afford an attorney. Thank you.
If I apply for child support only will the other person be served papers asking the courts to determine custody of the children, parent visitation time and child support.
When does back child support start when couples are still married but living in seperate households? And when money is given in that time period, does it count towards child support?