
Family and Children


  • My wife is in jail and I was filling for full guardianship of our son and I just found out he is not my son. I sent her a copy of the test and now her mother took our son out of state is there anything I can do I love my son and dont want to lose him?
  • My fiancee moved to Wisconsin (where we currently reside) three years ago. Shortly after arriving here, his ex girlfriend in Tuscon claimed she was pregnant with his child. She wanted him to pay child support that she decided without him signing the birth certificate and without a paternity test. He desperately wants to see if she is the father but she refuses to participate. Is there any legal way to force her to cooperate? Is he legally obligated to pay child support without being on the birth certificate if it is her fault he is not able to see the child?
  • I am paying back child support for a adult child who is not mine. However paternity was never established. The mother has admitted i am not the child's father, and its clear i am not. However the adult child refuses to take a dna test so i can stop paying child support, Do i have any rights in this case? Every year they take my entire tax refund, i make weekly payments. I have a family and two children who are mine that i am supporting. i need help.
  • I have a 10 year old daughter with my ex-wife. I just found out that she may not be mine. What are my legal rights to the child? I have been with this child from birth. And now I find out someone else may be the father.
  • I just had a baby and an ex-boyfriend who is not the father of my baby is taking me for paternity test. Do I have to pay court fees every time someone wants to claim to be the father of my child. I was not even with him at the time and the father of my baby is on birth certificate and the baby has the fathers last name. Question is why do I have to pay court fees to respond, it's like anyone can petion to be the father and I have to pay court fees when I alresdy know who father is
  • I have been going through a custody battle with my childs father. we have not gone to trial yet. even though i sued him for custody heo tas not done a DNA test yet. cant I just claim I was mistaken marry and name my boyfriend as the father so I dont have to be tied to this abusive man that does not care about our baby son
  • I'm a father of 3 little girls my oldest 9yrsold from previous other 2 babies with the mother is a full fledged narcissistic women,my kids and I would see her rage daily over disagreements, couldn't question her. In public eye she is the best mom and person in the world to strangers&church but, in our house it was hell. I had no clue what a narsisist was until I was looking for answers. Once u call her out on truth of her wrong doing , from lying her where about to doing things to my girls. She got caught cheating,now kids taken away from me? I need to know if my youngest is mine?
  • My ex-boyfriend signed the acknowledgement of paternity for my son even though he was not the biological father. Is there a way to disprove the paternity and have his rights to my son terminated?
  • When my son was born my boyfriend signed the paternity affidavit saying that he was the father but I had full custody over my son. Now we are separated and he wants partial custody over him. What steps do we have to go through in order to make that happen?
  • My daughter has a son with her ex-boyfriend. From the beginning the babys father wanted nothing to do with the baby. He wanted my daughter to abort. Now that the baby is 9 months old he always threatens my daugher that he will take her to court for custody. He does not give her money or buys anything for the baby. He always says that since wanted to have the baby she should deal with it herself. He has three other kids with his former wife. My daughter did put him on the baby's birth certificate. He feels forced into taking care of him. What can she do ?



  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program