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  • In Az is it illegal for a used car dealership to sell a vehicle that had not yet been emissioned tested first? I have read on the Arizona Dept. of Enviromentak Quality page that they do,does this mean the contract I signed is technically void? Please dont judge me as i have had other repos and garnishments for them and they have all been paid for. i bought the car in late december 2012 and it wasnt till late feb. 2013 when they finally had to do an emissions test as my license plate wouldnt be mailed off till it was done. Thanks for any help with this.
  • I am representing myself, Pro Per in a short 1 hour hearing on temp orders. I am the petitioner and the respondent is listing me as on e of her witnesses to call. Can I refuse to take the stand as her objective will be to get me to testify against myself and I cannot cross examine myself after? Also can I and how could I ask the Judge to not grant every witness she has submitted, time on the stand, as that will run out the clock with so many of them? I have not called any witnesses because we only were given an hour and thought this was only to go over the details of already submitted evidence
  • Can my employer use my AZ Sick Time PLUS deduct the same time from my personally accrued PTO? For example, I've been out sick and exhausted the 40 hours of AZ Sick Time. At the same time, my Employer is also using 40 hours of my personal PTO for a total of 16 hours per day sick time instead of the 8 hours I'm out of the office sick. Is this Legal???
  • Does a used car dealer need to make sure a car will pass the VIN inspecton upon sellin a vehicle?
  • i am 21. work part time, school part time at GCC. my boyfriend(baby daddy) and i just broke up. i need help on what to do legally for custody and also to file for child support. i need help before around christmas time. i am 30 weeks pregnant and don't want to lose my little baby boy.
  • My felony conviction has been set aside. How do I now answer job app question that ask if I have "any felony convictions" or that include an exclusion of "annulled, expunged, or sealed convictions". I now know my case disposition is "set aside" (not guilty, not expunged). Based upon I read in this article, I thought I would be able to deny the felony question on job apps but none of the job apps I've seen have asked for "prior" convictions. I have been logging those questions just in case I had someone to ask on how to respond now that I have set aside order.
  • I'm a father of 3 little girls my oldest 9yrsold from previous other 2 babies with the mother is a full fledged narcissistic women,my kids and I would see her rage daily over disagreements, couldn't question her. In public eye she is the best mom and person in the world to strangers&church but, in our house it was hell. I had no clue what a narsisist was until I was looking for answers. Once u call her out on truth of her wrong doing , from lying her where about to doing things to my girls. She got caught cheating,now kids taken away from me? I need to know if my youngest is mine?
  • I'm 16 and have a 6 month old baby, could i apply for foodstamps?
  • I co-own a house with my fiance. He was abusive, and I ended up having to get an order of protection against him. Is there a way I can get him to "sell or release" his half of the property?
  • In 2011 I was late with my rent payment. I received a notice to pay or vacate. I immediately paid the rent past due and late fees in full. The following month my lease expired, I paid my rent due and moved out. Fast forward to 2013 I find out the apartment filed a forcible/special detainer. Is this legal? Am I able to dispute the judgement? Please help. Thanks




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program