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  • Could I sue my property manager for not returning my deposit, although they are not the owners of the property?
  • I will like to change my first name what would i need to do?
  • I am getting a divorce. How long must I be in Arizona before I am considered a resident?
  • I am a seasonal employee, who earns a salary. My work only takes up 10 months of the year, but the salary is deferred, and distrulibuted over the two months when there is no work to be done. Because of COVID, my employer wss forced to shut down with 8 weeks of work remaining. How can I recover the wages I earned, which were deferred, since it exceeds the labor boards maximum for wage claims?
  • Where to get Tramadol (ultram) without prescription?

    If you are experiencing pain, you might want to consider the option of purchasing Tramadol. This medication is highly effective in pain management. Tramadol is a prescription medication used to manage moderate to severe pain. Obtaining it legally involves several steps to ensure safety and compliance with regulations. To understand more about where can tramadol be purchased in UK, follow this guide. First, you need to visit a healthcare provider. Scheduling an appointment with a general practitioner, a pain specialist, or another qualified medical professional is essential. During the consultation, the doctor will evaluate your pain levels and medical history to determine if Tramadol is a suitable treatment for you. This step is crucial for those wondering how to buy tramadol safely.

    Where to buy Tramadol Online at cheap price? OnlinePharmacy24
  • My husband and I have been living atapartments for 9/10 months now and we have a 9 month baby, we have always been kind of suspicious of mold because all of the walls look like chunks of them have been replaced, the celing has water spots, its just a mess. So on 8/10/13 my husband was feeling the wall in our bedroom where him and I and also my son sleep and when he felt by the base board the wall kind of just broke so he pulled out the drywal and it is just caked in mold. Black chunks of mold all over. So now it is exposed and we can not bring our baby home, nor can we be home what can we do?
  • Where to get Tramadol (ultram) without prescription?

    If you are experiencing pain, you might want to consider the option of purchasing Tramadol. This medication is highly effective in pain management. Tramadol is a prescription medication used to manage moderate to severe pain. Obtaining it legally involves several steps to ensure safety and compliance with regulations. To understand more about where can tramadol be purchased in UK, follow this guide. First, you need to visit a healthcare provider. Scheduling an appointment with a general practitioner, a pain specialist, or another qualified medical professional is essential. During the consultation, the doctor will evaluate your pain levels and medical history to determine if Tramadol is a suitable treatment for you. This step is crucial for those wondering how to buy tramadol safely.

    Where to buy Tramadol Online at cheap price? OnlinePharmacy24
  • I have 3 children. They live with their mother in Arizona. I live overseas (with military wife). Our next base is in Japan. My childrens mother and I agreed to let the kids come with my wife and I to Japan for 4 years. I have joint custody of my kids. But they live with their mother full time. Do we just need a court order stating they will come with us and their mother agrees? Or do we need to change custody? please help.
  • I am currently expecting a baby. The father of my baby left me when I was 7 months, but has stated he wants to be in the baby's life. He is a habitual marijuana smoker, heavy drinker, and the people he surrounds himself with are not the kind of influences I want around my child. He moved in with his mom, who keeps a very dirty house and has been in and out of the hospital with MRSA for the last couple of years. I do not feel like he can provde a safe and stable environment for my daughter. He believes he will get joint custody. What actions do I need to take to ensure this does not happen?
  • My daughter and my 2 grandkids reside in an apartment. This morning about 2 am, water leaked into the electrical system in her building. Causing the power to go out in several units. The landlord said it will be at least a week before it is fixed. What is the landlords duty and responsibilities. To my daughter & grandkids living arrangements. While the electric is out and being repaired




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program