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  • Our lease is not up for 3 months. We bought a house and know we are responsible for rent till end of lease. My property manager has been aware for a month and a half that we were moving out and also I gave her permission to try to rent it and she has not put it back on rental market. I know rhey are supposed to try to re rent it just wanted to know if there was any guidelines on how long they have to try to get it rented again?
  • I am getting married and wanted to change my entire name due to issues with identity theft. My question is is it possible to change my entire name during the name change process of getting married, what steps will I legally need to take. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance .
  • I have a 10 yr old son. His father's name isn't on birth certificate. He has not helped at all. I started to take him for child support but that fell through. I really don't want him involved in his life. He shows no concerns of my son's welfare. My question is can I change my son's last name (his father's)to mine without going through the courts in establishing him being his father? We were never married. His last contact with him was over 4 yrs ago. There is nothing that's been done through the courts. I also want my fiance to be able to adopt him (they want that too)
  • I have guardianship of 15 year old male who wants to file for paternity but bio-mother is uncooperative. Bio-mother married at time of conception/birth; husband is not bio-father; bio-father has signed voluntary affidavit of paternity. WHAT FORM CAN THE MINOR CHILD FILE TO ESTABLISH PATERNITY? NEED FORM NAME AND NUMBER. I will get it from SSC - just need one simple question answered - WHAT FORM NAME AND NUMBER SHOULD BE FILED? Thank you.
  • My now 9 month old sons daddy left Arizona for Iowa two months ago. We aren't married. He say he will help pay but hasn't. What should I do?
  • I rent a studio apt for 375 a month and have never been late. I told the landlord I can pay on my next check (rent is due on the 18th) but he said if I don't pay by the 23rd he will start the eviction process but he won't if I give him half. I don't even have that to give him can he do that
  • my 6 year old son lives with his grandparents and we want to get his last name changed can the grandparents change it without my the other parents permission and my son says grandpa is more of a dad to him then his birth dad
  • My dad and neice have lived in a rental condo for years together , they are both on the lease, recently she has stopped paying her portion of rent and has stopped working and even let her boyfriend move in without my dads consent. My dad has been stuck paying all of the rent that he can't afford. The manager of the condo complex said there is nothing they can do. Please tell me how we can get her evicted out of the condo and her boyfriend to. Thank you
  • I rent a mobile home that has a large front and back yard. My landlord is always on the property and coming over unannounced. I understand I rent from him but how much privacy am I entitled to? The landlord also has a storage shed that sits behind the mobile home. We don't use. The neighbor next door comes over whenever he pleases and uses the storage shed. He says the landlord lets him use it. I feel like I have no privacy whatsoever!
  • My friend's son says he has a POA and took $20,000 from her. Where can she get a new POA signed and notarized to give POA to me so I can protect her?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program