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  • How do I get proction for my grandchilden when my son girl freind can provide a home for them. Son is in jail. we have guardianship of there first child do to drug abuse by monther. She is now living with a cousin and her family along with her sister and there family in one home.
  • We are being evicted, our landlord served us three papers, each of which stated a different reason for eviction, loudness, smoking, non-payment of rent etc. Do her statements have to be consistent with one another? If so, can I use her inconsistency as a defence in court?
  • Where Can I Buy Cialis Without Prescription Online at Lowest Price?

  • I called my auto insurance company to have a company replace my window in my auto the glass installer damaged my car. My insurance company said it was not one of their authorized dealers so they can help me. I want to take the glass company to small claims court to see if i can get resolution for the cost of the damages the paper work ask if this is a contract or tort. I did not sign a contract with the glass company so I'm confused as to what to use for the type of claim on the paper work.
  • I was arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and disorderly conduct over a year ago. At the time I was threatened by the size of the male standing over and blocking me although he did not verbally say he was going to hurt me. I have a settlement conference soon and my lawyer has said that a plea will necessarily include at least a year of jail time and I would not get off for self-defense if this goes to trial since he did not verbally threaten me. I am pregnant and due to deliver before the settlement conference. Does this plea offer seem reasonable?
  • can i send az des food stamp a letter to stop my food stamps will be moving out of state
  • If my ex-wife has relocated out the country and I have no idea were my kids are should I be required to continue to pay child support when my parental rights are being denied?
  • I am the father of an 8 year old daughter born out of wedlock. No legal paternity has ever been established, but I've maintained a close relationship with my daughter all along as well as paid child support from day one. I would like to begin the process of obtaining legal joint (if possible) custody of my daughter ahead of fears my ex may try to relocate again (already moved from to CO to AZ). I believe I will need to establish legal paternity which is no problem as I am on the birth certificate and my ex will agree, as well as establishing permenant visitation rights and also the ability to bar her from moving again. Is there a step by step process available online to set this into motion? I am unable to afford an attorney, but might be able to afford a paralegal? Please advise.
  • my mother recently passed aay. her real estate deed has a joint tenancy w/ rights of survivorship, naming my aunt. my mothers wishes were that the home be sold and proceds devided between my sister and myself..i have lived and cared for my mother for the past 4 years, paying taxes, utilities and so forth. can my aunt list the house for sale at such a high dollar amount, that will never even be considered by buyers? can she make me move ( I am disabled ) when I have nowhere, and not enough income to purchase another dwelling? she (aunt) has already removed all of my mothers personal belongings (clothing,jewelry, cash car I don't understand please advise me, I don't know what to do. thank you so very much
  • Where Can I Buy Propecia (Finasteride) Online at Lowest Price?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program