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  • My son lives with me but father has custody can I get back child support for the last 4 years he has lived with me?
  • I believe Mom had a will thru Legal Aid.How do I find out Her name is Anna Lalor
  • Was told by my interviewer that I must present all of my family's birth certificates so that DES may "stamp" them. She said this was a law as of April 2006, however, the first time I applied, they did not say this, nor did they "stamp" our birth certificates. I'd like to know where I can find this law, and will I be turned down for food stamps and AHCCCS if I don't let DES stamp our birth certificates?
  • My husband of 20 years met a woman on the internet, moved her from Florida to Arizona, and put her up in an apartment. During the 5 years I tried to save money to get a divorce, he cleaned out all our retirement savings. As he didn't pay taxes, the IRS came after him for the $150,000 he took and also reduced my social security. I really need a divorce from him, but I'm SMI bipolar and he's mean.  Help me please.
  • my ex's employer has not submitted payment to the Support payment clearinghouse, what can i do?
  • I rented a housefrom aperson that was not the real owner.He pretended. I paid for security deposit and 1st months rent. Well yesterday a man came over and asked me what i was doing in his house. So i explained to him what happened. So now i have 3 days to get out with my family. Can he do that even if i recieve mail there electricity is in my name. What can i do. I got scammed 1700
  • My dad died in 2008 my sister who is autistic and my brother were left with my grandmother she has guardianship of both of them now but she is unfit to take care of them she can't walk and needs a nurse how can I take custody of my brother and sister my brother is 15 years old and my sister is 19 and autistic my grandmother doesn't let me take them anywhere
  • I have been offered a position in ND and my wife will be caring for her grandmother in ND. My lease is not up til Feb but we really need to move now. Can I break my lease? I rent an apt. How much notice is required? My lease says 60 days.
  • If I have legal sole custody of my child, what rights does the other parent have in regard to visitation? Other parent has never been involved, which is why I have sole custody and she has my last name, but he recently decided he wants visitation. He expects unsupervised visits and upon his availability. Also, what should I do to protect mine and my baby’s (15 months) rights? I’m assuming it’s not so simple to just come in and get visitation rights after not being involved at all for all those months.
  • My husband owes child support arrearage for his youngest daughter for the first 2 years of her life. He has had sole custoday of the child since year 2 and modified the child support to start receiving support. The mother has not paid her support in over a year and now has accumulated arrearages. What is the procedure to get the courts and/or DES to offset her arrearage balance and future support against my husband's arrearage balance? At this point in time this will cut my husbands arrearage in half.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program