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  • My boyfriend is an illegal immigrant and has been here for eight years we have a son together and want to get his papers, how can we go about this, we don't have money for a lawyer, can you help?
  • I have a 16 year old daughter who lived with her father and step mother in Arizona while I was recuperating from a heart attack. (I voluntarily gave him temporary custody, and live in a separate state). During the time my daughter lived with them, she was placed on probation. All of the court papers were signed by her step mother, are these documents legal? Does a step parent have the legal right to sign legal papers as a parent or guardian, without being granted guardianship of the child?
  • Can a person file a order of protection on a live in caregiver and we believe they did this to put the lady I care for in a nursing she is so stressed out over this its causing alot of problems witb her health what can we do to stop this
  • If neither party has received welfare what interest does the state have?
  • I have a tenant in my home and they are moving out In September so I have decided to sell my home and put it on the market. They are refusing to let me do open houses, or have people come in and see the home. They said no one can enter not even when there home! I need to sell my home so by the time they leave it will have been sold hopefully. I cannot afford to house payments. I don't know what to do. My realtor has called them and ask to do showings when there home, and they refuse. I feel like there hiding something. Please help!
  • I finished my contract to my previous apartments even thought it was vacant for few months. I still paid them. And i called the electric to transfer all my bills from my previous address to the new address so they did. And i did paid it. Then few weeks i have received a letter from them that they paid the electric from my unit. So they were asking me to pay them. So i called electric company to ask if it's really my bill becuase i paid my bill the date that i left and asked for disconnection. I don't know why the apartments are charging me for the bill that wasn't mine.Pls help need an answer
  • If I buy everything for my daughter shoes clothing, uniforms for school hygiene, her eye glasses do I still have to pay child support
  • If a parent severs rights to their children and the state adopts them. can you request for any kind of visitation? What if one of the children was adopted by their blood grandmother, can you go to court and ask fort visitations?
  • i have a friend who is now 17 and her grandma had guardian ship of her but had kicked her out of the house and she has been staying with me since. now they are trying to get her to go home but she doesn't feel safe there. how can i make it to where i take over guardian ship of her? or how can she get imancipated she just does not want to go back to that place
  • I had a yr 2 yr lease in which myself my mom and eldest son resided i was only 1 on. Lease. I moved out last yr at which time landlord said they would draw another lease for my mom and son. And never no ember they were to have sold the property. But changed mind. Again stated tbey would draw up new lease. Qith prior perssion and adjusted rent of 350 to be out by 04//15. We met for final walk through and lanlord refused to return my last months rent from the end of my actual lease. Unsure how to file and under what area. Civil or small claims etc




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program