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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • My landlord is requesting pictures of my minor children submitted with a new lease agreement. I would like to protect the anonymity of my children. Would the landlord be able to decline my lease without submitting pictures of my children?
  • I own a note on a mobile home located in Tucson, AZ. The buyers are behind on their payments. How do i evict them since it is not rent.
  • Am I required to mail my rent each month out of state if my landlord lives out of town? If no additional guest policy is referenced in my rental agreement do I have to get permission for every overnight guest? My parents watched our child for a weekend while we were out of town. It seems unreasonable to require permission in this case.
  • I have two children who live with their mother , recently on the visits they refuse to go home citing emotional and some psychical abuse. my daughter had cutting scars on her arm and said it was cause her mom emotional bullied her to that point.When they are with me there is no issues with the children, how could I get sole custody to keep my kids and keep them from the abuse they sustain at their mothers .There is no custody plan in place just a child support order for both children
  • is a significant other considered a family member
  • Our divorce was granted 09/26/06. As part of the agreement, I was supposed to pay my husband $35,000 to buy him out of a rental house we co-own with my parents. He refuses to take the money and I am at a loss as to what to do. He now says he wants the house, but has done nothing to procure financing to buy out me and my parents. Do I go to court and petition them to enforce the court order or do I sue him for non-compliance? The property agreement was "not-merged" and I have been advised to sue. How do I do that?
  • Is my landlord to the mobile home park in which I live responsible to pay for extermination of a severe cockroach infestation in my rental?
  • Hello I have a two twelve year olds and I want to change their last name to my last name because they have their fathers last name and he no longer lives with us so I want to change their last name. How much would it cost to change their last name and how do I change it..?
  • I have moved into a home where there is cockroaches. The landlord has been notified via email and has sprayed and bombed the place but the roaches are still here. Also my air conditioner doesn't cool my apartment properly the temperature is usually at 80 or more all day long. He says that this is adequate even though I have 2 fans I bought just to stay cool. Can I pay my rent to court and ask the court to force him to fix these problems?
  • I don't know if you can help us or maybe direct us to someone who can. KayKay Properties took over as managers of our apartment building. This is not an assisted living facility, but regular low income senior apartments. I am one of the original tenant and the other original tenants and we have gone through several managers. But this company has come in and is trying to dictate to us, change rules that make so sense and threaten with evictions. We have been told that none of our grandchildren under the age of 18 can spend the night with us anymore, if they do, we will be evicted. If someone is on medical marijuana they can't smoke it in their apartment, they have to leave the building and smoke in the parking lot. If they smoke in the building they will be evicted. We can't go to check out mail in our robes, if we do we will be evicted. They will spray for roaches, but we have to count the number of dead ones, and if they have to spray again we have to pay for it. If we don't pay for the exterminator, we will be evicted. If any of us are ill and need family or friends to help us, we have to let management know who they are, where they work and how much they make, if guessed it, we will be evicted. Please, we need someone who can help this is like living in a communist community. Rose Turman 602 599 1033




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program