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  • If house is foreclosed on, what does the new owner need to provide to the old owner and how long does the the old owner have to get out by law?
  • what is reasonable parenting time for long distant parenting
  • Is there a list of optometrist that take Ahcccs in Tucson Az?
  • My Step-Mother has brought another man into my fathers household. The man who she claimed is her friend is now more than a friend. My step-mother and this man sleep together and my father knows about it. The problem I have is this man has a 10 page criminal history and he also is an alcoholic. Him and my step-mom get drunk and take my fathers car and don't return until the next day. There are four children living there as well and hear and see this man threaten my father. There is also drugs involved. I feel like my siblings and my father are in a very dangerous situation. What can I do? Help
  • x boyfriend and i have a 17 year old son, the father got involved in his life at age 12, last year i agreed to joint custody, because he would be put in a better, our son attened school for approx 2 months his dad felt he was not applying him self so he took him out of school. making my son a drop out, he wants to be in school badly, on top of this our son did something he disagreed with and his father kicked him out of the house, he is so depressed. he's unable to live with with me do to an abusive situation im trying to get away from. is it legal for him to put our son out like that?
  • new owners have taken over my appartment housing, I wanna kno what I can do, they say may bathtub is not clean enough, wanted me to clean the light switches with a tooth brush, and say the apartment, per policy must look like new at all times
  • we have a mold problem from the managers meintenance man doing cheap labor causing mass flooding in the walls. she claims after multiple times thebproblem is fixed. the watee is also making us sick. my other half lives here and is pregnant. we also have a 3 year old. the manager claims there is no mold, but i have 2 samples of black and all sorts of colors. i want to get out of here but the manager threated to bill us 3 thousand for damages thats by her hands not ours... and i gave her many chances to fix the problem and it never gets fixed, she only covers up her tracks. what can i do?
  • Can my sister keep my car from me if the title is in my name?
  • My daughter is being evaluated in preparation for a competency hearing. Her French husband filed for divorce three weeks ago. If she is declared incompetent, can the divorce proceed?
  • How do I find a record of payments made to me through Clearinghouse, my ex-husband stopped paying for 6 months because he changed jobs and says Clearinghouse screwed up the info. He has arreages of $1800.00 for those 6 months. He has been current since he finally set it up with Clearinghouse, but I need to show where he didn't pay. Can I get those records from Clearinghouse, and how????




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program