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  • how long do I have to file a civil law suit against the kingman pd and Mohave county sheriffs dept
  • Can I reappley for food stamps/cash assist online?
  • Mother has been extradited out of state. She is remarried. Natural father is deceased. Child does not want to stay with stepdad but he says she has to. Can the child go to grandparents while mother is in jail or does she have to stay with stepdad. He has not adopted child
  • My 14 year old son refuses to live or visit his father and we have not followed the court order for over 5 years what do I need to do?
  • I had my daughter 3 years ago and did not have her father sign the birth certificate we are still together and he wants to sign her birth certificate how would we go about him signing it
  • My name is on the house I bought. My boyfriend pays his share. I want him out, he has be abusive and the police have been involved already. They brought him back and said there was nothing they could hold him on. I feel scared for my life. if this situation happens again, I don't know what to do. Im trapped and being intimidated by him. How can I get him out.
  • How do I file a complaint against a lawyer?
  • Where to get Tramadol (ultram) without prescription?

    If you are experiencing pain, you might want to consider the option of purchasing Tramadol. This medication is highly effective in pain management. Tramadol is a prescription medication used to manage moderate to severe pain. Obtaining it legally involves several steps to ensure safety and compliance with regulations. To understand more about where can tramadol be purchased in UK, follow this guide. First, you need to visit a healthcare provider. Scheduling an appointment with a general practitioner, a pain specialist, or another qualified medical professional is essential. During the consultation, the doctor will evaluate your pain levels and medical history to determine if Tramadol is a suitable treatment for you. This step is crucial for those wondering how to buy tramadol safely.

    Where to buy Tramadol Online at cheap price? OnlinePharmacy24
  • My family has been living at our location for over 3 years. We just asked to renew our lease a few months ago. As we were going through the house to see what needs to be fixed and repaired, my wife and I admitted that a few things is our responsibility. Other things I feel should be our LL. We had someone say that who ever done the tile did a bad job, and that the kitchen needs to be replaced. That was why about 9 tiles cracked. The refrigerator is over 15 years old and she wants us to buy a new one. We told her about the garage door breaking. Her excuse that she had to pay over $1200 for this
  • I applied for unemployment on March 29th and was approved. I have been receiving unemployment but I have not spent any as I am sure my previous employer will dispute the unemployment claim. How long does an employer have to dispute an umemployment claim? I do not feel safe touching the monies I've been given yet.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program