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  • I co-own property in CA. There are 3 of us still living on the title, myself, my brother and 1 other lady. I need to sell at least my portion ASAP, but cannot get the woman to even acknowledge my attempts to contact her. I spoke to her once and she seemed very nice and said she would help in any way. Since then she has not answered any of my calls or letters. My question is, do I need a lawyer to help convince her to co-operate, and if so, do I need to get one in AZ. or CA.? If I don't need a lawyer, can you please tell me where I can get help with this matter. She lives in CA. Thank-you.
  • My daughter recently lost custody of her daughter to the father. I have lived w/my daughter and granddaughter most of my granddaughter's life. Currently my daughter is on supervised visits and I, nor my granddaughter's siblings get see her but about 2 hours a month. Until my daughter has completed her court orders to receive unsupervised visits, do I or my daughter's other 3 children have any rights with my granddaughter that was given to her father?
  • in state of az how long do i have to file police report for criminal damage on ex.
  • My wife and I are separated and will file for divorce. She is refusing to let me see my girls who are 9 & 11. I am a good dad who does not do anything illegal, never committed domestic violence or other crime. Up to this point, I have raised and cared for my girls with the most love. It is killing me not to be able to see them. Can she keep them from me? What can be done until the divorce papers are filed? What are my rights?
  • I hired a paralegal to prepare divorce papers, they have not been filed as of yet. We decided on division of property already. I need to know If I can sell items in my half of community assets/property to pay community debt? If not, am I supposed to let house go into foreclosure or my vehicle get repossessed. I do not work due to disability and have no income. Thanks.
  • i never signed a contract and i pay weekly on time in full. i have had anbextra person ihere and we r quiet no complains. they r saying we need to leave we cant stay evenbif we do monthly with a contractcontract. r trailer is one of the cleanest here and we r very quiet. wewe have no where else can they kickbus out
  • Our house has been with a broken AC for 3 weeks. We have had to wait for a repair, another repair, a second opinion, another attempted repair, etc. Today we were supposed to have someone come to our house and give us a new unit but when I asked my landlord where they were she said since our house was at 82 degrees we got pushed for people with hotter houses. Our house is cool because we had to rent a mobile AC unit. Our electric bill is twice as much due to a 30 year old AC. What right do we have and should our landlord pay for some of our electric bill?
  • So I asked to help rent out some homes which I did come to find out they have been foreclosed on and one lady cause she only seen me want and filed charges for theft how can I fight this
  • i would like to visit with my grand children but cps will not allow me to do so what can I do ? I need a lawyer can't afford one can't find anyone to help
  • Can I file an FMLA complaint online?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program