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  • if my birth certificate only has my last name do i still have to pay to change my name?
  • I am getting ready to file paper work to gain equal custody of my daughter.. But I am not married. I was curious as too my rights until the paperwork is finished and what I need to do to get the ball rolling
  • i am about to have a child in october. the father of the baby wants to take me to court to get the last name changed to his. he's been in and out of helping one month he will help the next he won't. we've never been married. will a judge approve of the last name change?
  • My husband & I are caring for my infant niece due to both her parents being in prison. We filed a "Petition by Non-Parent to Establish Legal Decision-Making in Loco Parentis A.R.S 25-41 (Case # DO201300119) in Cochise County and her monther was served on Feb 13 (she wasn't contesting it). I called the County clerk office to find out what my next step is and they told me they can't tell me what to do. I thought I had done what needed to be done and it would now go before a judge to be finaled? Please advise, we have to get this legalized for insurance purposes, etc. THANK YOU!
  • I call the cops on my boyfriend and I lied to them saying that my boyfriend hit me and he did not he is now in jail how do I correct this. It all started because he brought some female car to our house to do oil change. I started the argument and the fight I threw chair at him he blocked it where it came back and hit me in arm.
  • How do I serve my child's Father court papers if he is missing?
  • My wife is sleeping with another man and not coming home at night.  We have teenage children in the house.  What rights do I have?  Canh I box her stuff up and put it in the garage and ask her to leave?
  • I have a 6 month old child with a guy I used to date. We were never married. I want to know can I get full custody of our daughter. He is on the birth certificate and the notarized paternity papers. He is very unstable. He has abused me. He has been threatening me because I won't allow him to see her. I'm actually really scared. He keeps saying he wants nothing to do with her, she's not his, she can die. A bunch of hurtful things. The maybe a couple hours later he may say he's sorry and didn't mean it.But this has been ongoing for the month. He is always back and forth with his comments.
  • If the father is not listed on the birth certificate can you stillget chils support
  • Do I have to renew an order of protection in the court that ordered it or can it be done through any justice court?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program