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  • My child's father was granted full custody and support in march of 2004, my son has been in my physical custody sense may of 2004. that's 11 years no support, his father never contacted the court to let them know his situation changed. What can we do?
  • I was arrested in may 02 2002 in Scottsdale arizona for ars 28-622.01 and ars 13-1201.a and ars 28-1381.a1 and ars28-1381.a2. No charges were ever filed to this day and there is no warrant out for my arrest, I checked. What is the statue of limitations for these charges? Could they still charge me almost 6 years later?
  • My ex wont tell me where he works or what he makes how much he makes, how do I get this information?
  • My roommate flaked out on me and I need to pay a termination fee for the apartment. We are both signed on the lease but I need to know if my roommate is also responsible to split the termination fee and if so, what if my roommate refuses? Will she be responsible for paying her part? The termination fee is four months of rent and I am able to pay two (half) of the overall fee. My landlords said if she won't pay her part, it will be sent to collections and they will also require me to pay the remaining balance if she doesn't.
  • how long do i have to hold on to an ex tenants property?
  • My granddaughter currently lives with her maternal grandfather (he has guardianship of her) The biological parents are NOT involved. Both have had drug addiction problems. When my son, granddaughters father, moved back home the guardian would not allow me to see my granddaughter. I was taking her every weekend for several months until I got a job over nights and every other weekend. Then I took her on my weekends off for over a yr. Shes always been part of my life. I believeI I contribute to her happiness and well-being. How do I get visitation rights?
  • I bought a house and renting my smaller house. I am retired now and need to sell my bigger house. Can I terminate the renters lease so I can move back into my smaller house that I can afford?
  • I'm renting the 1st floor of my landlords house.I have an open end lease.She is putting the house up for sale. how much time do I have after im given a written notification?
  • I have a 4 year old step daughter and her real father does not come around and hardly ever has but pays child support. She does not have his last name she has my wife's maiden last name. I am married to her mother and was wondering how I could go about getting some kind of guardianship over her or if I can legally get her last named change because I have been around since she was a baby and doesn't believe her last name isn't the same as mine. Thank you looking forward to hearing back.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program