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  • MI nombre es eleuterio paredes y mi pregunta es en el año 05 arizona federal me presto $9000 para comprar un auto pero no lo pude pagar y despues el abogado que los representa me cobrava la deuda y durante un año le estuve pagando pero perdí el trabajo y ahora de nuevo me están cobrando pero me están asiendo un garnishment de mi cheque estoy considerando la bancarrota pero no se si es una buena idea pues esa es a única cuenta que tengo y no se que tanto me afectaría una bancarrota
  • iam a us citzen and i got married in mexico because my husband does not have papers and we want to get him the green card because iam currentky living in arizona and he is in mexico and it is hard to see each other so we cant to get him a green card how can we go about this, we dont have an idea what lawyer can we thats affordable can you help?
  • My mother recently passed away and her will states that everything is to be divided among my 2 sisters and I. She has a house with a loan on it, a vehicle that is paid for(that my oldest sister now has), property that my other sister and her husband say is now theirs and I have only small things. The house is to go to the three of us but I can't get any info from my older sisters about it. And now my nephew and his girlfriend and son are living in the house and paying my older sister. What can I do ??
  • I am in a same-sex marriage. I live in Arizona and my wife lives in Guam. Can I file an annulment in Arizona based on the premise that by statute, a “marriage between persons of the same sex is void and prohibited” in Arizona. A.R.S. § 25-101(C)?
  • In Az is it illegal for a used car dealership to sell a vehicle that had not yet been emissioned tested first? I have read on the Arizona Dept. of Enviromentak Quality page that they do,does this mean the contract I signed is technically void? Please dont judge me as i have had other repos and garnishments for them and they have all been paid for. i bought the car in late december 2012 and it wasnt till late feb. 2013 when they finally had to do an emissions test as my license plate wouldnt be mailed off till it was done. Thanks for any help with this.
  • I found out that my ex has been working a different name so he doesnt pay child support what can I do?
  • Is there a statue of limitations on custody papers? Can they be ammended at any time? is there a penalty for not seeing your child for over a year? I have attempted to see my son many many times but his father is not enforcing the custody papers. Do I have legal action against that?
  • I was contacted by the Sheriffs dept. and told an Order of Protection was served to me the past April. I was never served any documents or aware of this. How may I get a record (copy) of this service?
  • when I divorced my ex wife in 2003, the decree did not state a clear awarding of my military pension since I was still active. I will be going to court to fight the amount I have to pay. She waited over 19 months to let me know she wanted the money. I agree to pay but only at the lower amount (E5) vice (E8). any info is greatly appreciated.
  • I signed a lease for an apt in a dog friendly neighborhood. My upstairs neighbor works at night and sleeps during the day. She claims she can hear my dogs barking insessently all day long. Careful monitoring proves that they may bark at a sound like the rest of the dogs in the complex and the world. Nothing to prove her claim of excessive barking she does not own a dog. Am I able to terminate my lease? Is this discrimination since I am the only one who is being kept to a different standard?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program