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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • What is the Family and Medical Leave Act?
  • My boyfriend and I have been together since mid 2005. He recently purchased a home in only his name. We are planning on getting married in april of next year. After marriage do I automatically become co- ownr? If we do not get married how long will it take for me to be considered co- owner without him actually havng to add my name to the title?
  • My daughters biological father has not seen her in over 18 months and has not reached out at all. He lives in New Jersey. My husband has been in her life and a full time dad for over 2 years. How would we go about terminating parental rights if the biological father is not on the birth certificate and has not been involved with her at all? My husband would love to adopt her, but I don’t know how to go about it.
  • I got a possession of marijuana charge, I wasn't arrested but forced to sign a fingerprint compliance form. The stuff wasn't mine, but it was close to me so I was blamed. It belonged to a friend that was there. If my friend and i go down to the police and explain the truth will my charge be removed and put on him?
  • I am sending this for my mother. My dad left her his retirement to her but nothing else. She has about $25,000 in credit card debt (they bought a vehicle using a credit card with a 2% interest)and has an income of about $4,277 including retirement, veterans benefits and ss. Everything was fine until ill health made it impossible for her to live alone. She sold her mobile home, put the $$ in savings and moved into a senior apartment. She has recently moved into a more expensive assisted care living. Her income is enough to pay her rent but we still have to pay her $600 a month credit cards bills that my dad left her with. She only has about $1,100 in saving so either she files for bankrupcy or she just doesn't pay her credits cards anymore. She does use her credit cards so bad credit will not hurt her. I am sure that her current living location will not kick her out as long as she is paying her rent. What will happen if she doesn't pay her credit card bills anymore?
  • I have a vehicle that is still under factory warrenty. I had problems with the Key, brought it to the dealership, they told me since I had a after market alarm installed (Over a year ago, that never caused problems to the vehicle) It voided my warrenty. They never gave me any kind of proof showing that my alarm was the cause of the problem. I then had to pay out of pocket and feel scammed. Does aftermarket stuff void warrenties?
  • I live in a apartment complex. I have been here for about 5 years. I had moved to a bigger unit about 4 years ago . recently moved to another bigger unit in April. So it was brought to my attention that on the last unit I moved from carpet had to be replaced so I owe $430... and now they are stating that I also owe from the previous unit I had moved from 3 years ago. I hadn't of heard about this balance before. Can they do this? what can I do about it?
  • I have just gotten a divorce and my exhusband is ordered to pay back money he took from our savings account when we seperated. He says that he does not have the money and will have to make payments. He was awarded our personal property which is paid off. Can I put a lien on this title? He says he is building a home is there any other way of ensuring that I will get my money returned?
  • I live in a complex and in our contracts state that they would spray once a month for bugs and change air filter, once a year change fire detector batteries. None of this is being done and we now have a bed bug problem here and they have not fixed security gate has been broken for 2 years and they have us locked out of the laundry room..can anything be done on our part? Thank you for a reply [email protected]
  • My boss said I had to pay him $3,000 Dollars for damages to his truck or I Did not have a job anymore. Is this legal?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program