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  • What form do I use to expunge a misdemeanor?
  • The flushing mechanism inside the toilet tank has broken. Flushing the toilet is only possible by reaching into the tank and pulling the chain. Is it the lanlords responsibility to fix it?
  • my apartment complex is refusing to contact anyone other than their own complex repair people to fix our AC. we have been without working AC for OVER a week.. •1) can we withhold rent until this issue is resolved? •2) if so, who do we give our rent payments to in the mean time? •3) how long do they have to get the issue resolved after the 5 days from giving them written notice of the issue? thank you!
  • Can I legally get out of my lease if I have had no  hot water for two months and has not been fixed
  • I was married a few days more than 6months now. We entered into a covenant marriage, and my husband has not been here since. He has lived in north carolina the entire marriage, he is a compulsive liar, he has stolen money from me, and has also verbally and emotionally abused me. Is there anyway to have the marriage annulled?
  • I was evicted from my home that I own. Not the land. Was evicted because they said I had a unauthorized roommate and when I asked her to leave she called the police on me and said I pushed her. Both where lies. I haven't even been convicted of the crime. Now they say I can't sell my home unless I pay for lot fees that I owe them after the eviction. They refuse to take my money but then say I still have to pay lot fees. Can I sell my home and not pay these fees. She is telling buyers she can refuse to let them move in if I don't pay for the months I was not even living there.
  • We have a 1 yr old and when we moved in last oct2015, there was cockroaches in the bathroom. We have cleaned spotlessly, and even bombed the place, yet they just keep coming. For a while, they had their own bug guy come in and treat our apartment once we moved in, but now they stopped. We canot get rid of them!!!! I'm so sick of them biting us, and my daughter somehow eating dead ones. What can we do?!?!? This is our main concern, as they don't do a great job anyways.
  • My son is abt to be 4 years old. He has my last name because while I was pregnant his father was abusive physical & emotionally hurting me , he was also abusing drugs and dealing drugs . He was putting too much stress on me I wanted him as far away from me as possible it wasn't good for my pregnancy . When I had my son only my last name was given . His dad & I try working it out but throught out time he was still being abusive , doing drugs getting d.u.i going to jail . Cheating on me I had enough . I met a wonderful man that I fell in love with as soon as I moved on my sons father broke into my apartment & vandalized 3000 worth of my things .. I don't get a penny from the guy . Now he has a black on blank Benz . He has a Bently he has a monster truck . He has a motor cycle hardly Davidson & dune buggy while I'm struggling with my son to get by . My boyfriend was supporting us him & I are no longer together . How can I get child support from the guy without him getting any legal right
  • On a Saturday night me and my ex got in a fight. It was nothing to big i thought. I went to bed and as I did i punched the wall and put a small hole in it. She slept on the couch. The next day i got up and she was not there. I called her to see where she was and she said that she wanted to separate. That was about 5pm on Sunday. We fought over the phone. I called her twice. Then about 8or9 the cops showed up and took my guns. Tuesday night they showed up again and kicked me out of my house and said she got a protection order against me. How is this possible? And it's for a year.
  • For over a year my roommates and I have had a reoccurring mice problem. We keep areas clean, take out the trash regularly, and have never caused any sort of damage to our property. Our rental property will only put down traps and do not make any major effort to eradicate the problem with mice. How can we get them to move forward in paying for extermination and an expert to identify where the mice are coming in?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program