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  • I purchased a home about a year ago with my domestic partner. I am the only person financially responsible for the home. I added my domestic partners name to the title as a joint ownership. In case in the future my domestic partner and I part ways, would we have to sell the home? Does she have any legal rights over the home?
  • I am 15 and I would like to move out because it is not in my best interest to live with my mom I continually get into fights with my mom(verbally) I also get into fights with my step dad (he has hit me on multiple occasions) I have a place to stay at my friends house his dad said it would be okay for me to move in I would have my own room (I live in an attic at my moms)can I legally move in without parental consent
  • In Arizona what educational decisions are covered under Joint Legal & Physical Custody Major Decisions?
  • Is it possible to obtain legal guardianship of an unborn grandchild? The mother of the unborn child is my 16-year old daughter. The purpose of guardianship is to provide health insurance for the baby.
  • My husband and I own a home and have rented out a room to a man under a month to month lease. After 8 months we have decided that this is no longer what we want and have served him his 30 day notice to vacate. During this period he has moved his girlfriend in who never leaves our home even when he is at work and stays the night every night for the past 2 weeks. We clearly have it stated in the lease that the tenant shall not have overnight guests for more than 2 nights in a one week period. Can I call the cops and have her escorted off our property?
  • My son was placed in guardianship approximately 5 yrs ago. recently he (16) has expressed desire to return to living with me as he no longer feels safe or wanted at grandmas who has guardianship. He has threatened to run away many times. Frequently asks me to get him away from there as he is told almost daily that he needs them, they don't need him or that he will be sent to fostercare if he keeps on going way he is. Also that he will never be able to return to live with me again. (my rights were not terminated). What do I need to do to end the guardianship so he can come back to live with me?
  • My mother owns the property. I rent from her. She is allowing me to sublet rooms. What kind of document do I need to have power to manage? To make contracts and to evict?
  • I filled an application and put $200 down for a deposit. I told the complex I wanted to move in. I was involved in a car accident and I received a call the next day saying I had to be in the office by 6pm to sign a lease. I asked if I could come in the following day. The complex told me no. I asked for my deposit back. Initially the complex stated they would give me a refund. But a few days later the apartment manager noted I was not going to receive a refund. I have not heard from the complex and I would like my $200 back. Is there anything I can do?
  • we put down $10,000 on a used car and signed contract but have not taken possesion and want out of contract in phoenix arizona
  • Military Retirement Pay and divorce. I married AFTER I've retired from the military. Most of the Q&A talked about divorce while in service or marriage occurring while serving. If I divorce, would my spouse still be able to get a percentage of the retirement pay?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program