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  • My ex has been providing child support to are 9yr child since we separated. He recently passed away is she intitled to his social security for child support and how do I take steps to find out how to get aid for. her
  • Can the Landlord charge us for water even though it has been turned off for 2 days (December 1st and 2nd) due to a pipe bursting. We had no control over this and as a result they are still gonna charge us even though we have no running water in the apts for 2 days. What can we do?
  • Iinherited my mothers house and itis alreadyin my name, but her estate is still in probate. I was also appointed personal rep bymy mother. the problem I'm having ismy youngest sister will not leave my house. She even has other people livingthere with her. The house still has all of my mothers assets in it, my sis chgd locks and I cannot enter any longer. How can I get her out?
  • I live in a home that my mother bought for me 20yrs ago. The home is still in my mother's name who lives at a separate residence My oldest daughter got a divorce and had been living with her boyfriend at his parents house. Her and her boyfriend are both heroin addicts. Recently she called me needing my help and stating she wanted to change her life and get away from the heroin and her boyfriend. She swore she was serious. I told her this was her last chance with me and to make sure she's ready cuz I wont do it again. She has not stopped anything and I want her out of my house. What do i do?
  • My daughter refuses to go to her moms, what happens if she doesnt go? She is being emotionally abused by her mom. Also, can i file for emergency custody if i can prove it?
  • I moved out of an apt without having a walk through but I took several pictures. Two weeks later I received a letter stating they were keeping my pet deposit and that I owed them an additional amount of money. I disagree with some of the charges they have. How can I dispute this and what is my time limit? They have given me 30 days to pay before sending to collections. Also, can the landlord charge for painting the interior? I even filled in any holes made from hanging pictures. Don't they have to paint anyway?
  • My girlfriend came to my house uninvited to pick up the kids with rage she got four domestic violence and was sent to jail that night..The cops left the children in my son's care at my home. ..she plead not guilty and she is taking this to trial with a lawyer. ..what are her chances..The four of us were the victims. What are her chances of getting off?
  • I signed a plea agreement in superior court, can I change my mind?
  • If an order of protection was placed, does it show addresses, names, and phone numbers to the person being served?
  • How are child custody cases handled on the Navajo Reservation?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program