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  • My father has cancer and I had submited an FMLA with my employer. They had approved the FMLA. I was required to submit my hours of FMLA used to HR. I have no problem submitting the hours of FMLA used but my problem is when other employees who are on FMLA is not submitting the hours weekly and was not being tracked like I am, shouldnt that fall under Discrimination under FMLA? I think that most of the HR personnel are only there to help the employer but not the employees.Dept labor should enforce that the HR employees should come from a 3rd party that will ensure everyone is treated fairly.
  • My daughter has a friend that is 16 parent Is moving but they want to stay here the mother says she will give me notarized note but what is my legal responsibility
  • I need to no if I can be Evicted cause I wrote letter to the Manager letting her no she over charged me for Rent for the mouth of July. I was placed her threw a Domestic vilioce Shelter n everything was explained to the Manager when I was brought here. She was told that I get paid every 2 weeks and that I work at ----. So we explained to her ( Manager ) that I will not be able to pay the Rent on the First of the Mo. She agreed with that and said she will work with me on the Rent. Now the Housing program Paid the Rent up for 3 mos. Now she is Evicteing me for being late on this Mo.
  • There is a huge tree between my trailer & next door. It was here when I bought trailer. I am told the tree is my responsible, but it is on the trailer courts land. The tree sheds leaves like crazy & we were just informed that it is up to us to rack and throw in trash. We have maintenance here & they do nothing, but ride the little cars the trailer court supplys.What I need to know is it my responsabilty, to rack. I am 64yrs.and not in that good health. Can you let me know if it is up to me to keep tree up or Trailer court. Thank-You RS.
  • "When parents are unmarried and no order has been entered to establish parental rights, the biological father has no legal right to either custody or parenting time until paternity is established." I read this in a question on the website and I was wondering if the child has the fathers last name, does it still mean they have no legal rights until official paternity has been established?
  • When a couple parts after 2 yr living together is one intitled to what they paid for and has reciept
  • We hired a lawyer to file court papers to stop foreclosure. He did not file in time but He said he called bank and they said they would wait 1 more week to foreclose because our lawyer needed more time. The bank did not wait and foreclosed anyways (of course) our lawyer did not file proper paper work for that he just called the bank and they said ok Now we are losing our house and don't know who to get help from. We have paid thousands to these lawyers and are waiting to see if appeals court will take our case. We did what were suppose to do they did not Have lived here 31yrs. who can help
  • I live in a complex that has no steps just a dirt hill to my apt. I took a severe slip and fall, the mngt. says it's my fault and I cannot deal with them any farther. I have had lose of work and definate pain and suffering. I have med.records to prove.
  • My husband has 3 girls from a previous marriage (joint custody) and I have one son from a previous marriage. We moved into my 1800 sq.ft. home with 3 bedrooms as it is affordable for us without straining and comfortable as we see it. My son is in one room and the girls have the second bedroom with a bunk bed with a third trundle bed so each is able to sleep alone. However, thier mother is arguing that we don't have enough space for them and they aren't allowed to share a room. Is there a law or any grounds to this? Is our living arrangement acceptable?
  • How do i legally force my fiance's mother to move out? She's not on my lease and has been asked to leave since June. She advised that she will not leave and I need to know how to go about this the legal way.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program