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  • I need proof of benefits recieved for an application for utility assistance. Where or who can give me a total benefit amount recieved?
  • How do you request veterans court
  • I was evicted from my apartment in 2010 after being admitted to the hospital and never returned for my belongings. Two years later I went back to rectify the money owed to them and clear my credit history. They had no records on me and told me they were under new management. Now it is 2015 and a collection agency is attempting to collect money in arrears due to a broken lease as well as 10% interest for the 5 years since the eviction. I want to dispute these excessive charges but do I need an attorney to help me? Please advise. Thanks.
  • Our landlords sent us an email stating that we have to pay for professional cleaning or they will take $450 from our security deposit. From the research I have done, I understand that this is illegal and we are only obligated to deep clean it and leave it in the same condition as when we moved in. Do we have to professionally clean or not?
  • As a landlord, we only have a verbal lease agreement with our tenants. We are taking them to court for eviction for not paying rent. Our "plaintiff's checklist" lists a copy of the lease, which we don't have. Will our verbal lease agreement be an issue?
  • I filed for ch. 7 bankruptcy and my debts were discharged on June 2011. To this date I'm badly behind on my house payments, and my lender offers me a reduced monthly payment of $350. The problem is that my lender does not want to make any promises in writing and does not give me straight answers on what happens if I keep my end of the deal. I'm affraid my lender will simply foreclose when it may fit its interest, disregard of my needs. Also, it is wise to enter into any deals post bankruptcy if my debts are discharded already and thus, uncollectable? Thanks!
  • My mom passed in 2014. I was on her checking account because she could not see well and I wrote her bills for her. Now the bank says I have to pay her line of credit, and they keep slapping late fees and interest on it every month. My only income is social security. Please tell me what to do and what can they do to hurt me? Thank you
  • My debts, including my first and second mortgages were discharged in Ch. 7 bankruptcy in 2011. After BK, I contacted my landlord (BBVA Compass), to see if they would agree I stay in my house in exchange for reduced payments. They said OK, but said they couldn't provide me with any receipt or written communication of any kind. However, they are considering the second mortgage in the total owed, despite that debts like these are considered UNSECURED. Should I accept this agreement where I won't have a paper trail to rely on in case of a dispute later? Thanks!
  • Does an employee first have to utilize his/her accrued vacation and sick leave before FMLA can be taken?
  • I'm a Disabled Veteran, my husband is active army - we met on active duty 2008 & married 2012. Due to him physically and mentally abusing me, we seperated end 2014, had a separation agreement in place since we lived in NC. We toyed with reconciling during 2015 and 2016. Feb 2017, despite being in contact with each other, he filed for divorce in TX, filed a false affidavit that he couldn't find me, and had a default judgement granting divorce. He cleared out our 3600 sqft home in NC of all our joint & personal property and dropped my daughter from ins. How to make his wrongs, right?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program