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so i have been renting a mobile home for almost 3 years now my landlord had are septic pumped last year. and septic guy told him we need a new leach line and new tank. tree roots cracked it and roots growing in leach line and tank and not up to code. so he never fixed it and retired in oct. he said he would bring by new landlord so we can meet him and he would fix everything well we have never met him do not no how to get ahold of him. and septic was full again so i used rent to pay for it cant use heater i need help have 2 kids one is 4 other is year can my landlord get away with this??
I am unmarried and 15 weeks pregnant. My ex fiancé is denying paternity most because he does not want the military to know he is having a child because it will cancel his assignment he signed up for that requires no dependents. I would like to legally establish paternity so that when the baby comes I will be able to apply for child support since he will most likely be deployed. I have heard mixed answers on whether or not prenatal paternity tests are legally admissible to establish paternity in Arizona. The tests are very expensive, and before I pay I would like to know if I can use it
If my old landlord sold the property. Does the new landlord have the right to evict us and how long do we have to stay before we have to leave?
If the complex I live in says I am an unauthorized tenant even though I pay rent and get my mail here can they tell me I have to leave without a eviction notice do I have any rights?
my x wife violated a protection order and took my son then split to another state. i have an emergency custody order for my child that the judge awarded me which also states on documents that the child is to be returned to father immediately! now after i got process server to serve my wife, she now is tryng to keep my son and file a case in the state where she is at. is that fair? how can i get my son back where he resides for the past 3 years? can someone please help?
What paperwork do I need to file a claim for non-payment of a debt owed for my business services to a client. The amount is $650 and the dates of service are 12/31/06, 1/02/06, and 2/15/07.
The father of my children wont let me see my kids and there is no court order or anything for him todo this to me i just want to know what do i do to help me see my kids i have done nothing for him to keep from me i just need advice on how to see my own kids?
I live in an apartment. If my a/c goes out and its not cooling How long dose the landlord have to fix it so that its cooling agian
I live in a condo and I rent from a management company. I was given a visitors pass for when I would have guests over. Recently there has been parking violations on my fiance's car and said it will be towed. I have nothing in my rental lease that states that I can not let guests park at my place of residence. would this warrant me to break my lease and not lose my deposit? I can not have any guests? or the car will be towed?
I just found out that my son is on two restraining orders against each other how do i fix this mibe was filed FIRST
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State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
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View full description - Southwest Community Services - The Division of Disabled Persons
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