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  • If a couple has a baby and breaks up and they aren’t married who has custody over the baby until we can go to court
  • How can I remove non-paternal father on birth certificate and add paternal. Does non-paternal have to relinquish rights first, or can it be changed by DNA submission.
  • My 15 year old daughter wants to live with me in another county than her father. What is the process she can take to make her wishes known? Her father and I had a recent residency hearing, and the Judge ruled she stay with her father because he felt she was fine where she was, and my daughter was nervous to talk to the judge. However, after learning of the decision, she has told her father she wants to live with me, and she is telling me she wants to tell the judge how she feels, and wants to move with me.
  • If I have a neighbor who plays loud music (loud enough that my furniture vibrates and rattles) for hours on end (sometimes well past 11pm) and I notify my landlord what is the landlord required to do about it?
  • I just found out I have a 2 year old daughter with an friend of mine. She as with another guy at he time, so she just let him believe he was the father through the pregnancy. So he's on the birth certificate, she has his last name. When I found out about her, the mother was all about finding out I'm the biological father and helping me get my parental right to her. Now the mother has changed her mind and is trying to keep me out of my daughters life. From everything he mother has told me about these past 2 years, the father always denied her being his to anyone they would meet. What can I do?
  • After foreclosure involving a single family residence the new owner filed an unlawful detainer action against the tenants who had no rental agreement after serving them with a 90 day notice to quit. The tenants refuse to move and have not paid rent.They only had a month to month oral agreement with the former owner. One of the tenants claims that he is on parole and cannot be evicted. Is this a valid defense to the UD action?
  • Signed a contract with vacation club & they breached it in my opinion.I wanted $ back right away but have gotten runaround.I have been trying to end it since the first week, & now it's 2 1/2 months & no luck. I have documented everything; do I have any rights in this scam?
  • I need advise and assistance. Have been working with ***Mortgage Servicer*** since 10/2011 to obtain a HAMP 1.0 Tier modification. I have filed for Chapter 11 protection in 4/12 to stop the foreclosure process and continue to work unsuccessfully with Mortgage Servicer. They have made my life so unbelievably stressful with their constant requests for duplicate information provided and 2 denials of the request based on incorrect information that I am spending hours proving their errors. Need assistance to further clarify the settlement terms of the AZ AG's office case and what can be done to help me obtain the HAMP

    (This question was edited by the site administrator to redact the proper name of an individual or business)


  • During my current 6 months of employment, I was hired as a 1099 employee and then transitioned to a W2 employee (paid salary + commission)and then forced back to a 1099 employee by my employer. Despite earning commissions from the first month of employment, I have yet to be paid any commissions. They initially told me I they would pay them and then they ignored by requests for payment. Can an employer withhold and deny paying earned commissions and if so, how long. Are they subject to any penalties or fines for will fully with holding earned commission? What can I do?
  • 3/31 Lease on rental home ended. 3/18 Move-out inspection done with owner. No finding except 3 bulbs needed. Owner stated he would mail check next week. 3/20 Rec'd signed inspection list for 3 bulbs. 3/20 Utilities shut off. 3/22 Rec'd email from owner stating I was obligated to keep utilities on until 3/31. And that he was going to do work on the house. He suggested I give him an amount to deduct for utilities till 3/31. And if not I can refute deductions upon receipt of deposit. Need direction in the event I pursue legal action.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program