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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • What if I don't agree to court decision in custody/parenting time self representation/ attourney for other party. can I file an appeal or express my reasons for not agreeing
  • I have a 2 year old son and his father has not contacted me to see him in 5 months. Currently he is incarcerated and has not paid any money for the purge amount for the passed 2 months. Am I able to file for child abandonment after 6 months if the father continues this behavior? If so, how do I go about filing for this?
  • I lost my parental rights to my kids. I have since been clean for 13 months. I want to get in touch with the adopted parents. I want to be in my kids life. I dont know where to start though.
  • Can I file a claim on my former employer? They fired me because I am bipolar and I was off my medication and posted an opinion on a recent news event during a manic mood swing episode - that was totally unrelated to the company, the employees, the wages, or working conditions? If so, who do I contact?
  • My landlord came to my house and served me a 24hr notice stating that there are an unusual amount of people coming to the premises at all hours of the night, that there are unauthorized people "living" in the home and he thinks there is use of marijuana on the premises. I have lived in this house for a year and haven't had any issues the house is a duplex and someone just moved in and we havent agreed on everything.So the landlord basically listened to what the neighbors said and served me with a notice of immediate termination! I am 8months pregnant I have people come over to assist me everyd
  • my daughter father owes child suppoort but he wants his daughter to live with him will i be responable to pay him child support.
  • I hired a moving company to move my stuff from WI to AZ (company is based in IL.) Upon reviewing the contract I discovered bad math, but I had already signed. When my stuff got here, I had to pay the remaining $650 in cash to the driver or he would return my items to IL and be charge for them holding my items. I was then pressured to place a $0 in the what is due. However, my issue is that they had overcharged me. The driver would not deal with any of those issues and I had to pay him. If I file a claim do I have a chance to be granted my overpayment, or am I SOL due to the $0 on balance due.
  • Can the landlord put a lock on ac unit
  • If I have an order of protection and my ex- husband and or wife wants to live near by so that our child could walk to his mothers our father's house, what are the laws for this , I asked the judge, and he said that in the order of protection they no longer state a specific distance however the judge advised me to seek legal advice.
  • I am finalizing my divorce decree, and my previous lawyer added his fees to my decree with a date when payments needs to start. I am completely broke, lost my job and all my money. I won’t be able to pay his payments set up on the decree. Can file bankruptcy and get ridge of this debt?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program