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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • My father passed away in September, 2016. I am the executor of his estate and I have a lawyer representing me and the estate. His house is paid off but he has a 7,000 home equity line of credit. There is no money in the estate to pay any bills except the utilities. It is for sale and hopefully will be sold soon. I received an Act 91 notice. Can a house be foreclosed on that is in probate? There is no money to pay the home equity line of credit bill or the taxes owed till the house is sold
  • I moved out my apartment a month early and returned all keys. I recently tried to rent a house but landlord said there was a forcible detainer on my record. I moved out in January and record shows landlord filled forcible detainer in May but is shows no money owed. Can a landlord file after your already gone and how can i remove it from my record?
  • I pled guilty to attempted agg assault m1.Disposition is Agg assault m1.Did the court make a mistake? Probation agreement is agg assault m1, I pled to attempted assault. I don't get it.
  • My first year lease is ready to renew and my rental company is demanding that I get $100,000 in rental insurance that only covers damage to the house, not any of my property. Is this legal? Doesn't the homeowner have insurance on their property? Didn't my rental deposit cover any damages I might incur? Thank you for your help.
  • My new apt. has many old water leaks I only discovered when it rained, and a large patch of black mold that's not responding to me spraying mold and mildew cleaner on it growing on the outside exterior of my living room wall in a closet. During the last storm, I had water trickling down the drywall and across the ceiling in my bedroom and one can see it's not a new leak and has been repaired before. Maintenance says they can only cosmetically scrape and paint it. I can't live here even if its remedied because it's extensive and I'm very sensitive to mold already. What do I do?
  • Can a younger person live with me in an age-restricted senior housing development?
  • Can a property manager refuse payment if it is on time?
  • I was fired from my job for no reason. I was upset about when I spoke to my boss and called a co worker a bad word at my boss. Then, they filed a workplace harassment injunction on me. I filed a hearing. The judge threw out the false claims they made on me but had to keep the injunction on me because of the bad word I called the co worker when I was fired. I want this off my record without filing an appeal. How can I get this off my record?
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  • In 2008, my only uncle put everything he owned, including his business he had for over 30 years, into a revocable trust naming my sister and I as co successor trustees and me as the executor of his estate. My uncle passed away September 22, 2014 and my sister wants to sell the business...but I have been running the business and want to keep it. She has moved away and declared she wants nothing to do with it. Will I be forced to buy her out in order to keep the business? Or because it was a gift that she doesn't want isn't that just like refusing any other gift? Thank you, Lisa




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program