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  • I am planning on moving at the end of April. I have resided here for almost 5 years. I am worried the apt manager is going to bill me for the carpet and paint. The carpet was old when I moved in. My question is "can they bill me for carpet replacement and paint after I have been here for almost 5 years"
  • If the house is unhabitable due to rodent activity and poison all over the house, upon move in, can we get refunded and pull out of the agreement. Because we got an inspection the day we got the keys and it's infested. They also told us as we were signing the lease that there are no mice and no termites. Which we found out through a pest company, the house had both.
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  • My ex boyfriend put a restraining order against me so I couldn't get my things from his apt. separated after restraining order for a few weeks he has made contact with me the whole time (calls to myself and friends and family, text, showing up where I moved to). He also threaten to show up somewhere I am and calling the police. At this point I'm the one being harrassed. How can I go about doing something legally to either get restraining order removed and placing one on him or protect myself against restraining order
  • My lease I signed stated security deposit will be used for any unpaid rent is this legal?
  • The ownership of the mobile home park is requiring that I pay to repair a sewage line attached to my mobile home that has deteriorated over the years due to no fault of my own. Is this legal, since I own only the mobile home and not the lot it sits on.
  • I have recently ended my BENIFITS though I have till the end of the month and they will completely stop... Am I still able to use these BENIFITS ( food stamps )
  • We've been living with my boyfriends parents and we're paying rent every month. This month we paid rent, then 2 days later we were given the rent money back and told us we have 30 days to find somewhere else to go. Then 2 weeks later they decided to let us stay and are now asking for rent money again for this month. (and we are going into an apartment next month "July") Any advice on what to do would be great!
  • I share an apt w/2 other ladies. I just received a job promotion relocating me to another state. If I pay out the 7 month remainder of my lease, and the apartment complex rents to someone else before my lease expires, should I expect a refund?
  • My question is if a protective orders put on a person when I personally did not commit a family violence and that's what the protective orders under happiness protective order be turned over and work with that person had to do to get it returned over and what kind of attorney with that person need if they can afford and trying to get a protective order turned over due to the fact that they did not do anything wrong and I have proof of it




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program