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My son was placed in guardianship approximately 5 yrs ago. recently he (16) has expressed desire to return to living with me as he no longer feels safe or wanted at grandmas who has guardianship. He has threatened to run away many times. Frequently asks me to get him away from there as he is told almost daily that he needs them, they don't need him or that he will be sent to fostercare if he keeps on going way he is. Also that he will never be able to return to live with me again. (my rights were not terminated). What do I need to do to end the guardianship so he can come back to live with me?
I rented house for almost four years,fixed house up inside out without any deductions. Landlord kept raising rent after we made home liveable.she's tried to illegally evict us before but we called she's trying to move in on us and evicting us for no reason telling lies that were not paying and already has new tenants she's just moving in to get us out for no reason and I have two small kids and disabled husband what can I do?
My son was born in Arizona and we moved to Colorado. He has an AZ birth certificate. We have done a paternity test and have determined that the father listed is not correct. We have also had his last name changed. How do I get a birth certificate with his correct last name and father?
Can I stay longer in a foreclosure property? I am the tenant . The bank is the owner now. I am willing to pay for the extra time until I buy the house, but i need more time, and I dont want to leave. I need four more months. Do I have any rights to stay the extra time?
My boyfriend and i just split up and he took my child away and said I'm never goin to seee him again. If i went to court for this could i lose my baby? He works and i dont but im starting my online schooling, I live with my mom and she help me out. My child can't be without me I raised him, I havent left his side. What would the chances of me having him be and of not being able to see him again? if you could get at me asap please.
I rent to own mobile home, the sewer line is connected to a sewer tank that comes with trailer, since the trailer is set doesn't the sewer lines need to be connected directly instead of the tank. Who's responsibility is it to fix it?
Our no fault divorce was just finalized. I learned that she was pregnant is pregnant with another mans child and told me days after the divorce was final. Do I have any recourse? She didn't want me to have joint custody and I have to pay alimony. Now, she's struggling with my 4 kids and I doubt the other guy she was having an affair with will marry her due to the alimony but I believe I would of filed grounds had I known.
How do I get guardianship of a minor child?
I have just gotten a divorce and my exhusband is ordered to pay back money he took from our savings account when we seperated. He says that he does not have the money and will have to make payments. He was awarded our personal property which is paid off. Can I put a lien on this title? He says he is building a home is there any other way of ensuring that I will get my money returned?
My child was born out of wedlock and me and the father rarely speak. I plan on giving the child my last name. Does he have any rights to change the name?
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