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Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More
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Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.
how can I find out if an order of protection was served?
What form do I use to expunge a misdemeanor?
Was just awarded child support for my 7 year old son. Would now like to file for payments for previous 3 years which I understand is as far back as law allows. Which forms do I need to file to achieve this?
I have a credit card debt from 2004 that has been sold to a collector. Can there be garnishment to wages or just go after assets. Was served papers today. There was already a judgement about a year ago. Now I go another one.
I am living at an apartment in Tucson, AZ. The a/c went out over two weeks ago and since then it has been 93+ degree's in my apartment. I have tried calling management but there is nothing they can do for another week. I have asked if substitute housing is available and they have denied. Is there anything I can do?
if someone has filed an harrassment against myself and they very specifically demanded that i am not allowed at the community pool in the same apt. complex and i was at the pool first then she comes to the pool herself and stays has she herself violated her own order and does said protection become null and void alltogether
I am pregnant and not in a relationship with the father. He wanted me to get an abortion and I refused. He has provided no assistance or support and now that I am about to deliver he says he has a change of heart and is making unreasonable demands. What are my rights and how can I protect my child?
If my 81-year-old husband predeceases me without a will, how is his estate settled? We have no children together, but he has three grown daughters. The bank accounts, house and car pass to me because we own them jointly with right of survivorship, but what about other property he owns by himself?
How do i Expunge 2005 a class 6 undesignated felony that went to a misdemeanor 2008? want to expunge all the case?
Is a debt consider legally binding if it is more than 7 years old?
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