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Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More
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Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.
As a renter in a property that is going up for sale on 4-22-08, how long do I have to move and find a place to live? The owner will not return my phone calls or my money?
I'm wondering if a Grandparent can get guardianship of a Grandchild through the courts alone? Can the Grandparent get court papers and have the Parent sign them without the Parent going to court also?Doesn't the Grandparent and Parent need to be involved in the court process?
Bio daughter lived with a boyfriend. Daughter has 4 children, 3 are from this relationship. CPS got involved due to domestic violence. Daughter failed to comply with CPS and father got all the chn including the child that is not of this relationship. Can I file for custody of this grandchild since he is not the biological father and he beats on woman.
There is a huge tree between my trailer & next door. It was here when I bought trailer. I am told the tree is my responsible, but it is on the trailer courts land. The tree sheds leaves like crazy & we were just informed that it is up to us to rack and throw in trash. We have maintenance here & they do nothing, but ride the little cars the trailer court supplys.What I need to know is it my responsabilty, to rack. I am 64yrs.and not in that good health. Can you let me know if it is up to me to keep tree up or Trailer court. Thank-You RS.
Where does a father file to start child support when he lives in Indiana and she and the child lives in Kentucky. Does he start it in Indiana where he lives or Kentucky where the child and mother live?
Can HUD or FHA garnish my Social Security and Honeywell Pension for expenses if my Reverse Mortgage defaults?
My husband and I just bought a condo, and we don't have hot water. Our HOA charges us for hot water (boiler is used), but we don't receive any. Our water comes out at 100°F as the warmest. I've spoken with HOA & he started that it will be about 8 months before we get any hot water due to the repairs needed. Should we still be charged for hot water usage? Is it legal to not provide hot water to tenants and charge them for it?
My daughter's father bought a new car fo her 17th birthday but it is registered in my(mother) name Now she moved to boyfriends house and there are many problems. Do I have to sign title over to her?
My landlord has 3 apt rentals and I rent a spot for my 5th wheel. The s septic tank needed to be dug up and My trailer was moved. He hasn't finished the job and my trailer is not level and my large font porch is not put back together. The yard is still all dug up. Can he leave it like that?
I have been trying to go through the Department of Children's Services to get my ex wife (who lives in Alabama) to pay child support for almost 3 years now. Is there anything I can do through the legal system to finally get this resolved? Three years is an awfully long time to get a mother to pay child support when it took her a matter of weeks to get the court to issue an income withholding order on me when she was the custodial parent.
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National Domestic Violence Hotline
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