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  • My boyfriends little brother is living with us and has been for a long time since their mom got deported. We now need proof of guardianship so he can get his driver license. How do we go about getting this?
  • The apartments i am living in currently are using a third party billing system for water, sewer and trash based out of Utah. I receive a bill each month that is steadily getting higher, while I am the only person living in the apartment. Is this legal?
  • Do I have to probate my father's will. He doesn't have many assets. Just some mineral rights. All I need to do is have the ownership changed to my self and my siblings.
  • How old does a child have to be to decide on what parent they want to live with?
  • where do I go yo file a restraining order?
  • My landlord told me on the day i moved out (11/30/08) that she had fourteen days to finalize my deposit. it is now the 16th of december and when i called her she said that she had fourteen "working days" to finalize my deposit? after reviewing this website i find nothing about working days stated anywhere in the law and i was wondering what rights i have as a former tenant.
  • I have been told that is a mother and father of a child come to an agreement on custody, child support and other issues pertaining to the child that they can write it out sign it notarize it and it is legal and will hold up in court. Is this true?
  • My son is 17 and in high school with twins on the way. What is his finacial obligation while in school? Can the mother come after my husband and I for child support? The mother is of legal age and out of school, so do the courts take that into consideration?
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  • Father of my autistic child is planning to take her out is state without telling me. Court order states he needs to give me 40 days notice/itinerary. I found out by word of mouth, what can be done. He is doing this at the end of the week. Can he be stopped , he threatened to take her away and I would never see her again if he doesn’t get what he wants in the past




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program