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  • If i have always had a savings account under my name only can the other party claim it?
  • My girlfriend and I allowed her brother (a 300lb man) to crash with us after he got evicted. After about 2 1/2 weeks we realized this was a terrible idea and told him he needed to leave. He packed most of his things and left but took some things that didn't belong to him. Upon him returning for the last if his stuff, we told him he was not allowed to enter the premises and we would bring him his stuff. He got mad and tried to force his way into the house and my girlfriend fought him off. She got arrested for"hitting" him. Isn't this still a form of self defense considering he doesn't live here
  • "Is it legal for an owner of Real Property using a single family residential water meter of 5/8" in size instaled by city of Phoenix for the single Residential home built in 1940, to add 10 single family Mobile Homes on the same real property, share the water serviced to the 5/8" water meter to that parcel, receive city bill for real property once a month then charge each home seperately what the city charges the meter to make money"?
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  • Can my dad adopt me at the age of 26
  • Can a lender sue for a deficiancy balance(first mortgage only)on a townhouse or condominium? Does AZ33-814 prohibit the recovery of any balance due after trust property is sold pursuant to the trustee's power of sale, or the trust deed is foreclosed in the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages on real property.
  • I want to get guardianship of my grandson who is 16 and living with my ex daughter in law,She is not related to him and does not want custody of him,She is separated from my son,the child belongs to my daughter who lost custody of him what do I need to do please help me
  • can a bullhead city AZ cop pull me over in Nevada? He followed me from BHC into Laughlin, but, did not put his lights on until we were in Laughlin. Is that legal?
  • how old does the minor have to be to choose to stop vistation in arizona
  • x boyfriend and i have a 17 year old son, the father got involved in his life at age 12, last year i agreed to joint custody, because he would be put in a better, our son attened school for approx 2 months his dad felt he was not applying him self so he took him out of school. making my son a drop out, he wants to be in school badly, on top of this our son did something he disagreed with and his father kicked him out of the house, he is so depressed. he's unable to live with with me do to an abusive situation im trying to get away from. is it legal for him to put our son out like that?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program