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  • how to evict a 2months tenant with no lease and no rent being paid?
  • Where to I apply for unemployment benefits? I moved to Pinal County 4 monthas ago. Prior to that I was in Maricopa County for over 20 years?
  • I have lived with my boyfriend for 2 years. We were evicted from our home for nonpayment and put all of our possessions in storage. We owe a large bill for the storage of our belonings to the moving company. I will be paying the bill and moving into an apartment without my boyfriend. Since I need to take everything out of storage to avoid further bills, can I keep my boyfriend's possessions as well as mine? I don't want to have to pay to store his stuff.
  • My daughter has several psychological diagnosis' & gave birth to a premature son. She is not married & unsure who child's father is. The baby is in the NICU & mother does not fully understand the care guidelines given by NICU staff & doctors. Mother does not allow family access to the baby in the NICU as she does not trust her boyfriend's family. How can obtain a Medical Power of Attorney over the child as my daughter does not understand his needs & enforce visitation to the baby in the NICU? I fear for the baby's well being in his mother's lack of care & visitation at the NICU.
  • My wife passed away on 1/1/13.She had an accounts in bank.They refused to let have her account balance (app $2,000?) without going to "probate".I'm very confused! What do I need to do ? Thank You
  • What is the income limit for foodstamps and medicaid?
  • If I have temporary custody of my child. Mother won't show up to court. Can I ask for physical custody (sole).
  • I gave my roommate his written thirty day notice on July 1st. He barely has packed anything and I have a feeling he isn't going to be gone by the 31st. If he has not left the premises by the 31st legally what can I do? My husband and I own the house and he was living with us, just to give you some background. I'm stressing so bad, I don't want a confrontation but it might come to that. The paper he signed was a form we got online and it's not notarized or anything. Would that matter? Thank you.
  • i was told that i owed money for a bad check on a car.. but i was never served court papers and the car was taken away.. what are my options?
  • I was in a car accident. The other driver's insurance company has offered to pay about $1000 -$1500 less than the Kelly Blue Book value for my car. The insurance company will not release my car until I sign the title over to them. The insurance rep will not provide documentation of how they determined the valve of my car. The rental car must go back today and I can't buy other car like mine for the amount they are offering. Is there anything I can do?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program