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  • i have a friend who is now 17 and her grandma had guardian ship of her but had kicked her out of the house and she has been staying with me since. now they are trying to get her to go home but she doesn't feel safe there. how can i make it to where i take over guardian ship of her? or how can she get imancipated she just does not want to go back to that place
  • can someone be put in jail for non child support payment and how long
  • Can a lender sue for a deficiancy balance(first mortgage only)on a townhouse or condominium? Does AZ33-814 prohibit the recovery of any balance due after trust property is sold pursuant to the trustee's power of sale, or the trust deed is foreclosed in the manner provided by law for the foreclosure of mortgages on real property.
  • I have a court date for shoplifting 34 dollars from a Safeway and have no use what to expect. I have no priors, and this was just a lapse in judgment, even a mistake. Can I ask for a divergent program myself in order not to have this go on my record, or do I have to give a plea? I'm embarrassed, ashamed, nervous and scared. I don't want to say the wrong thing, and i have no idea what's going to happen. Please advise
  • My son is presently in the military and his girlfriend told him she is pregnant but does not want the child but that he may raise the child. He wants to know what he must do to keep sole custody of the child and have her relinquish her rights?
  • I met with a landlord of an RV Park yesterday have an RV park we looked at a spot for my RV I went and got a money order for the amount he told me would be the rent for a week that we agreed to bring my RV in this morning and get it hooked up when I went home he called me about 15 minutes later told me that someone from where I lived currently had called and said if you rented to me because of my son it would be bad so he cancelled told me he would could not rent to me anymore so now I have a money order made out to him that I can't even get my money back on is there any discrimination here
  • Hello I have a two twelve year olds and I want to change their last name to my last name because they have their fathers last name and he no longer lives with us so I want to change their last name. How much would it cost to change their last name and how do I change it..?
  • My ex wife filed for an order of protection from me, stating that I had committed acts of domestic violence against her and my children. She filed for it on Sept. 11, 2019 and said that the domestic violence had taken place within the past year. I had been 1500 miles away in the state of WA since 12/27/2017. Had not stepped foot in the state of AZ for almost two years. I have NEVER harmed my ex, nor our children, I have never made threats to hurt them, I don't even spank my children. This has torn my life apart. Is there any legal recourse for her lying, and keeping me from our kids?
  • Is it required to give a receipt for rent when a payment is made ? I was told by the complex employee where I reside in, does not have to give me a receipt, and they only take money orders, is this practice ok ?
  • where can i find a list of current arizona rules of civil procedure. searches keep referring to federal rules of civil procedure.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program