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Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More
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I am drawing ss disability and I have a car I have been paying for 4 years just owe 6 payments but car broke down over a year ago and I cannot afford to get it fixed and can't afford the payment anymore. I was getting help to pay the payment but my son moved off and lost his job. My name is on a piece of property a half acre with my daughter she lives on the property can they sue me and get the property?
My sister has 2kids and 1 on the way, I need help getting custody of them, because she is crazy and she fight with her boyfriend she chooses a guy over her kids and does not take care of them at all, she has recently moved out with her abusive boyfriend and her kids. She has gotten the cops call on her and him a lot, please help me get the information I need to get full custody of them.
Curious as to what the time frame is for establishing residence & if I receive mail if I'd be considered a resident even though I'm not in the lease.
My child was born in California, but now we live in Arizona. My wife and I are in agreement on changing her name. My question is that, can I go through the Arizona courts to change her name. Or do I have to file all the paperwork through California courts.
My husband has been gone for eight years. I have no idea where he is. Do I still have to find him to serve a divorce? We have minor children together. The child support he has paid has been speratic.
A friend of mine is about to lose his son. His ex wife is planning on taking his to her home country in Indonesia. He has gone about keeping his son here in the U.S. the legal way through the court of law. The judge is quick to grant her permission on taking their son back to Indonesia without even considering his loss. He fears for his child that is a U.S. citizen going back to a third world country. The judge seems to believe that its best for the child to go back with her. His ex wife has already told him she will be leaving in ten days and he will never see his son again.
I am trying to file a modification for support. I have talked to numerous agencies regarding the fact that I have no information (salary and address) for the other party involved. DCSE told me to file it with my info and they would send the packet to the other party to be completed. A clerk of the court rep. said that I had to make some effort to serve the other party- or my modification would be thrown out. What is the actual answer to whether or not I can file with just my information, and the court will send off the packet or if I have to attempt to serve the other party?
My apartment owners are known for being cheep, with this they have neglected to maintain the sewage system thus backing it up. It has happened a few times. This time it flooded my apartment with other peoples urine. The carpets have not been replaced in 5+ years. Their solution is for us to clean it up ourselves. The only thing they did was entered the apartment unannounced to use without leaving any information they had been in there to vacuum. Its still wet. What laws is this violating and can we as tenants make them replace the carpets and reimburse us for ruined clothes in the bathroom?
In Arizona, do I have the right to rescind/cancel a contract for cable tv services, if I did so because of misrepresentation by the cable company representative regarding cost savings and I cacelled in less than 24 hrs
how long do i have to wait to get my cash assistance into my ebt card
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