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Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More
Do I need an attorney? Unsure of what kind of help you need, let AzCourtHelp guide you. You may not need an attorney after all. Learn more at —
Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.
My son got divorced while in the Army. The child support was based on his Army income and housing allowance. The divorce was in Louisiana. He now lives in Avondale, AZ going to school and working part time. His ex-wife and daughter now live in Fort Irwin, California, with the new husband who is in the Army. My son is having difficulty paying child support since his discharged from the Army and the drastic change of income. His pay is being garnished via Arizona and Louisiana respective government agencies. Can he get the child support modified and if so where would he do it?
My fiance wants to divorce his wife hes in prison they've been separated for 5 years she's in another state he wants me to get the ball rolling BUT Don't he?
Is there a fee when you file paperwork for guardianship of a disabled 18 year old?
I am the legal guardian of my two grandsons. Their mother (my daughter) is in prison. The father refuses to accept any responsibility saying they are not his children, even though he was married to my daughter when all three of the children were born. The Court has ordered him to have paternity testing, but he has refused to do so. I am 52 years old and need help supporting these children. Since their father refuses, and their mother is in prison, can I adopt these children and get any kind of aid for them?
I let my cousin and her daughter leave some of their belongings in my back house. It was only supposed to be for a few weeks it has now been over three years. I have talked to my cousin and have repeatedly told her to pick up her stuff. She says she'll be here a certine day and never comes. Her daughter I can never get a hold of what can I do with all their stuff now?
My kids are over 18 how I can stop the child support
My ex-husband just got arrested for an extreme DUI. We have gone through mediation in the past and he agreed to "conditional sole custody" but now disputes it. How would I go about getting sole custody with supervised visitation? Do I need to go through mediation again or do I go straight to a hearing?
what does motion to sever counts mean
what are the requirements for receiving cash assistance
Can landlords evict for no reason?
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