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  • I live in a rental home. The A/C went out, the owner was notified, as well as management company, it's been 6 days and still not fixed. I went and purchased on day 2, 3 fans and a portable A/C unit, I have lost alot of fruits, pantry items too! The heat has also caused my laptop to stop working and it's so hot in the house to cook, we have been purchasing fast food, can I legally demand reimbursement for these things from the owner ?
  • How can an Injunction or Order of Protection be served if the person harrassing me does not have a specific address, but moves from one house to another (and those addresses are not known to me)?
  • My mortgage is with Bank I am behind on my payments and now they have started foreclosure proceedings. Bank states that in order to reinstate my mortgage I have to go through their foreclosure attorney and pay the unpaid back mortgage of $7298 and various other charges that have been incurred by the attorneys office of an additional $1525. Bank will not allow me to make a direct payment to them for just the past due mortgage amount, they insist that I need to go through their attorney and their fees. Is this my only option? I want to stay in the home. What can I do?
  • Can a landlord require the carpets to be cleaned by an approved vendors list? Secondly, can the use your deposit to pay for the second cleaning, even though the first company cleaned them very well?
  • Does a lanlord have to supply window coverings?
  • Will a judge grant my request to change my name to something other then a former name during a divorce proceeding
  • in my apartment with no air conditioner. It is very hot and humid in my apartment and it makes me feel as if I want to faint I advised my manager serval times of the situation and all she can say is im calling my boss to see about the ac guy . I went in the other day to speak to the manager to see if the maintance man will be in today and she advised me that he wouldnt so i advised her that i would be moving i really dont want to but it is to hot that i have to. she stated that if i do that i will then be breaking my lease and iowe what ever months are reamining.Is there anything else i can do
  • My husband and I have been married for 9 months and I am 7 months pregnant. My husband has a daughter from a previous relationship. His parents (my in-laws) have stated they plan to file for grandparents rights. I know they have no rights over our son since we are married, however will they lump both kids together or not since they have two different mothers? They will try for time for our son, I already know that. I guess my concern is will they get any time with him?
  • Injunction against harassment with "no contact" but both parties are in the same school and same classes together. How is the defendant to avoid contact? Is he required to change schools?
  • My daughter is 25 years old and on supervised probation and living in my home. If she brings drugs into my house without my knowledge and the probation officer searches her/her room, can I be charged with something or can I lose my house?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program