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  • I signed my trailer and some contents left in the trailer back to the park landlord 3 days ago and today they brought the couch to my new place and dumped it in my carport i thought when i signed it over to these people that if they didn't want it that it was their responsibility to get rid of it..where do I stand
  • How do I know if my marriage is a covenant marriage?
  • I was considering a move from Texas to Show Low AZ. I put a $1000 deposit and paid $445 lot fee. When I returned home in TX. I realized that downsizing from a 2300sqft home to a 900sqft trailer was not doable for me at this time. After 2 days from signing the agreement, I gave my formal written notice that I had changed my mind. Now the owner will not refund my money. What can I do. $1400 dollars is quite an amount to keep for just because. I was told they could have shown the trailer 2 times during that time, however the unit was not even ready for someone to move in.
  • How far can they go back for child support
  • My husband passed away and had a credit card that was in his name only. Am I held accountable to pay that debt off? And I am confused, do creditors have six months to file a claim, after they receive the death certificate, or 6 months after you probate? Thank You!
  • Have been divorced 9 years. Have never been behind on child support. Ex-wife has never asked for an increase in support even though my salary has gone up significantly. Could she theoretically sue me to collect the support she would have received had she filed for an increase years ago?
  • I have had legal guardianship of my grandson in Arizona since he was 15 months old. He is now 11. My husband has been given a promotion and we now have to relocate to Indiana. As legal guardian am I able to just move with him? Do I need to file paperwork? Do I need his mothers permission? She is still unable to take care of him in a stable manner. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank You
  • I have a one year lease that expires in a few months and I am worried my landlord my not be renewing the lease. Is the landlord required to give at me least 30 days notice of their intent not to renew lease? If not 30 days then what in minimum notice that must be given (that lease will not be renewed)?
  • My husband has left me and moved to San Diego. He has left me with all the bills to pay. I am going to be evicted myself if I don't pay rent by the 16th. Can I get any help for abandinment?
  • Is there a form to amend a divorce petition i am filing for an annulment but i made a mistake and it turned into a request for divorce judge said i needed to file an amendment




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program