Divorce & Annulment Comments
12/14/09 Mello said
Very helpful, thank you!
10/15/09 Araceli said
If both parties agree on the divorce ia the process quicker/easier
10/18/08 said
So a person can use whatever name they choose, from one marriage to another??? Why does that not seem right???
11/1/07 A said
i have not seen my "husband" for 5 years and we had a child . i now want to get re married . the only thing i know of my "husband" is that he may be in california. i have not had contact with him for 5 years how can i get a divorce?
9/20/07 Maria said
My husband and I have a car in both names, he will not give it to me unless I get it in my name. I have poor credit due to him not working much of our 5 year marriage and cannot get a loan. I make the payments can i keep it?
9/14/07 Curt said
I am just starting the divorce process and representing myself. My wife and i are interested in creating our own "joint custody agreement" including support and visitation to submit with paperwork. where can we find a draft? any ideas
8/31/07 gloria said
I was divorced in 1978 and he was order to pay child surport and I got half of our property we where married in oklahoma I was from Phx. He never paid anything not one cent now he owns a house in Ok. What ca I do to get whats owed to us, being poor.
8/22/07 sean said
8/20/07 Dan said
My employer deducted C S payments from my salary and never made the payments...even if I win the judgement from my lawsuit..how do I go about collecting the money...as my child resides w/ me now ????
8/9/07 Claudette said
I filed a divorce in Phoenix, Az. I don't know if it became final or not. My husband was suppose to pay for it.
8/9/07 Janet said
We divorced in November of last year, we agreed on a settlement he would pay me, I received over half, he kept the house,boat etc.
now he won't pay me. Help
8/9/07 Ruth said
The court will be sending divorce paper to my husband out of state. Is there someone there so he signs his name w/o any problems?
8/1/07 Sandy said
My daughter lives in Az. but was married in Las Vegas.
Will it be easier to get a divorce or annullment from a different state?
Does anyone have any info on this?
7/27/07 Patty said
How can a 17yrs married unemployed mother of 5 get legal help in this state.He has frozen all assets and not paid anything for weeks. I now have no food no phone no cable and most important no money the a retainer.
7/12/07 Jeanne said
The self-service center has forms for divorce and legal separation but not annulment forms.
7/10/07 Jo said
I don't think the Self-Service Center has forms for annulments.
6/20/07 Mary said
I have filed for divorce. My husband's family is hiring him expensive attorneys and I cannot afford one. Where can I get help because I know nothing about the process.without any money
5/29/07 Lee said
My wife left our home, moved in with her mother and took our kids. She's filed for divorce in another County. Do I need to respond to the divorce in that County?
5/24/07 tracie said
my boyfriend's wife has been estranged form him for almost 9 years and has attempted to find her only recently did he find out that she is in jail..
5/8/07 Maria said
What happens if you have been married for 30 yrs. After med school and other business that has been built, what benefits does the woman have?
5/2/07 janon said
how can i get a legal divorce from my husband? he left me years ago and moved to mexico.
i can't afford to pay a lawyer to file for divorce. what can i do?
4/24/07 Irene said
I'm being out of Az for the past year,my husband comeback there about 4 month ago, he wants my children custody,Is that possible?
4/14/07 bob said
If one of the parties is in the armed forces and has been stationed out of AZ for the past few years, but is still liscensed to vote in AZ can they still file for divorce in AZ?
4/5/07 dee said
Where does one get a copy of ARS 25-408?
4/5/07 Dee said
My ex did this very same thing. Creditors came after me. I was never told about the Rule 92 of AZ Rules of Family Law. Told his bankruptcy took precedence since it was federal over state. Does anyone know if there is a statue of limitations on this?
3/17/07 joanne said
Cindy from 1/30/07 You get 1/2. Call his employers' human resources department. They have to give you the information regarding his 401K. It's the law. I did. Soon $
3/8/07 Lori said
All I can say is documentation is everything. Write everything down and save for your court dates, save a paperwork and have it with you for each court date, again documentation is everything in this state. It took me 16 months to get divorced.
2/23/07 ruth said
my husband is an native indian, he is filing for divorce in his tribe court.
what do i need to do if i want to respond, which court?
2/15/07 carmen said
I was awarded my maiden name back in my divorce decree also, but the judge wrote my last name wrong. I went to amend my divorce decree, court said "NO" now I'm stuck with married name and not my fault.
1/30/07 Cindy said
I am trying to get my ex-husband to divide his 401k as ordered by my divorce decree and I can not get any information that will help me get this done.
1/29/07 Brenda said
How is it decided what party needs to leave the home?
1/25/07 Rachel said
My ex has not complied with most areas required of him in the Final Judgment of Divorce.I am not seeking money in dealing with his being in comtempt of court or to puthim in jail. I just want him to be held responsible for what he is to do.
12/14/06 Julie said
So, what happend with the question about wanting to move to a different state and then file divorce?
12/11/06 Joann said
We got married on the reservation. Got the Marriage license in Chinle Census office, is that a State Marriage License? and where do we go for a divorce?
11/13/06 Judith said
What if I separately own the house and have asked my soon to be ex-husband to move out? He's been dragging his feet. Can I change the locks? Do I have a legal right to make him leave?
11/13/06 Judith said
What if I separately own the house and have asked my soon to be ex-husband to move out? He's been dragging his feet. Can I change the locks? Do I have a legal right to make him leave?
11/7/06 Rachel said
When you are in the situation of a spouse leaving the primary residence and they take all their belongings and rent a new place - leaving the spouse in the home with all of the bills - what is the recourse for the spouse stuck paying everything?
10/30/06 Shannon said
What if there are no children involved, and my spouse and I have initiated counseling already. Can we request an extention for the case to remain inactive while we go through counseling?
10/20/06 Gary said
Please update the phone number listed for Child Support at Florence. The number for Child Support is 520-866-6615.
10/10/06 said
what if ive been seperated for 15yrs and thought i was divorced and remarried
10/10/06 Terry said
He agreed to pay in divorce decree and won't now. How do I collect ?
9/26/06 christine said
Anyone know how I can turn my arrearages owed to me into a judgment?
9/14/06 terilyn said
what if the person wanting a divorce is in another state?
8/10/06 chrystal said
What about if petitioner decides not to fallow through the divorce and wants to cancell.
6/23/06 john said
i should do what i want
6/2/06 Jeff said
I think I should be able to have a family.