Social Security, SSI Article

Social Security, SSI and Disability Information

 Social Security, SSI and Disability  Information is available at the official website of the Social Security Administration.



  • Who do I report to if I know of someone working while being paid for medical disability?
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  • I have taken early soc sec retirement. When my wife retires in three years, will she receive her own sep soc sec income based on her working years?
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  • I just appealed Social Security's decision to deny my survivor's benefits,which were denied, again! I'm a disabled widow,and have had my disability since I was a teenager,since my records show I have a personality disorder,Agoraphobia,etc. But,they keep denying my husband's benefits on the grounds that I didn't become disabled within 7 years after he died! The Social Security laws have recently been changed to let divorced,disabled widows have the same laws,which were worded differently before my case was heard! Is there free help to help me fight them?
  • When i was five years of age my father passed away.And for this reason i was awarded cash benefits to be only recieved at age eighteen.My gaurdian would also recieve benefits to help with cost of raising me.Since my family had issues with cps at a young age i was given to my grandparents.As i grew older family problems arose and havent spoke or recieved any help since age seventeen.I would like to know how i can go about recieving whats owed to me.At this time these benefits are badly needed since I have been on my own and i just want whats mine.PLEASE HELP ME!
  • can i get unemployment benefits if iam receiving my social security also
  • I am an adopted child and i ran away from my adopted parents in april of 2006. i turned 18 in aug. 2006 and now that im 18 i went back and asked for my birth certificate and my social security card but was refused to have it. im trying to get my life on track and i cant get a job with out my social security card, so what should i do.
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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program