Bankruptcy Article
Bankruptcy 101 Videos
IMPORTANT WARNING: These videos are not intended to give you legal advice, and they are not a substitute for legal advice specific to your situation that you should obtain from a qualified attorney. Go to the State Bar of Arizona website at to find a bankruptcy attorney.
To watch the videos, click here.
The Bankruptcy 101 educational videos have been provided as a gift from the following organizations and individuals: The American College of Bankruptcy Foundation, The Arizona Foundation for Legal Services and Education, The Arizona State Bar Bankruptcy Section, The United States Trustees Office, The Arizona State University College of Law, The National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys and many volunteer attorneys.
Should I file for bankruptcy if I cannot pay my debts?
I made a personal loan of 20k to a friend that was due October 30, 2012. It is in writing. He lives in Flagstaff,AZ, and I live in Hawthorne, CA. He says he wants to pay me back, but cant afford it. I want my money. He may have filed bankruptcy in Flagstaff and that is what I am trying to find out. I as a creditor was never notified if he did. Can I for free find out if he filed sometime from 2008-present??? I want to recover my money, and hoping bankruptcy law will not get in the way. Thanks!
I filled for chapter 13 myself without an attorney. Where can I find information on how I would respond to a Motion to Vacate Automatic stay
I appear for my 341 hearing and approach by a lawyer representing my creditor. I was asked to step out in the hallway and told I had two choice either agree to start repaying or surrender the things I got from them. They also sent me a certified letter. What type of motion can I file for them violating the order of stay?
how do I apply for assistance with bankruptcy?
How do I find out if a potential client has filed for bankruptcy in the past 5 years?
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I am a 23 year old mother of two living with my parents currently. Im in school. I have debts that I need paid off. And I simply cannot do it. I recieve government assistance as far as food and cash for the children go. Can you suggest some places that will help me file bankruptcy seeing how low income I am. I need help!!! Please and thank you.
I filed bankruptcy in 2003. What's the time limit on filing another one? The debts are not frivilous.
If my ex-husband is going bankrupt and he is including my house because he is on the loan how will that effect me and my credit.I live here and I am making payment and have never been late.What do I need to do? THanks
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State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Housing Counseling Hotline
View full description - Community Legal Services - Central Office
View full description - Volunteer Lawyers Program - Pima County
View full description - St. Elizabeth of Hungary Clinic
View full description - Arizona Coalition to End Homelessness
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You and the Law: Fair Debt Collection
U.S Bankruptcy Court Debtor Help
Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice
Informational Pamphlets for Filing Without an Attorney (Pro Se)
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