Bankruptcy Article
U.S. Bankruptcy Court District of Arizona Self Help Center
Free walk-in service to individuals who have filed or are considering filing bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 and to individual creditors in consumer bankruptcy cases. At Self Help Centers you may request free forms, view informational videos, or meet with a volunteer attorney, when available. View the volunteer attorney schedule online at Free consultations with volunteer lawyers are provided on a first-come, first served basis, and are limited to 30 minutes, and cannot address complex bankruptcy matters. To meet with a Self Help Center volunteer attorney you must first: 1.) view an informational video; 2.) complete a questionnaire; and 3.) sign a disclaimer and acknowledgement form.
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U.S. Bankruptcy Court District of Arizona Self Help Center
how do I apply for assistance with bankruptcy?
how do I apply for assistance with bankruptcy?
I have more than $10k outstanding debt (student, loan, credit card, hospital bills, etc.) that I am unable to pay on my income(11,760) gross annually. What would be my best move to eliminate the debt, and restore credit.
Has there been a change in the Law That now allows an inheritance from a Sibling to be exempt? If so, in what amount? Thank you.
Can I file for bankruptcy if my debts are $1300.00?
I am currently unemployed and found it very difficult to find work. I'm reaching the end of my rope with all my bills being extremely late and even though I haven't received a notice yet, I'm expecting a foreclosure notice. I would like to talk to an attorney about what my options are at this point. Thanks Alex
Is there a program for an inmate at Dept of Corrections to file bankruptsy?
I am trying to find out which chapter is best for me to file I do not want my home or car in the bankruptcy any help I was advised Chapter 7 but keep getting conflicting information can anyone assist n this question
My debts, including my first and second mortgages were discharged in Ch. 7 bankruptcy in 2011. After BK, I contacted my landlord (BBVA Compass), to see if they would agree I stay in my house in exchange for reduced payments. They said OK, but said they couldn't provide me with any receipt or written communication of any kind. However, they are considering the second mortgage in the total owed, despite that debts like these are considered UNSECURED. Should I accept this agreement where I won't have a paper trail to rely on in case of a dispute later? Thanks!
I appear for my 341 hearing and approach by a lawyer representing my creditor. I was asked to step out in the hallway and told I had two choice either agree to start repaying or surrender the things I got from them. They also sent me a certified letter. What type of motion can I file for them violating the order of stay?
Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
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- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Attorney General’s Office (Tucson)
View full description - Pro Bono Program - Yavapai County
View full description - Volunteer Lawyers Program – DNA
View full description - Attorney General's Office of Victim Services (Phoenix)
View full description - Arizona South Asians For Safe Families (ASAFSF)
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