Bankruptcy Article

Creditor Resources

A creditor in a bankruptcy case is a person or entity to whom the debtor owes money or who claims to be owed money by the debtor.

If you have received a notice from the court that lists you as a creditor in a particular bankruptcy case and the notice includes a proof of claim form, it means that the debtor has listed you in the debtor's bankruptcy case as someone who the debtor owes money.

To see more resources go to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Arizona website.



  • Has there been a change in the Law That now allows an inheritance from a Sibling to be exempt? If so, in what amount? Thank you.
  • we have a 2 million dollar debt against 5 acres and our house will we loose the house if we file? Also we have 80,000in unsecured debt. How can we resolve this? we are 65 years old, and are moderatley employede.
  • Can I file for bankruptcy if my debts are $1300.00?
  • Concerning a Short Sale of Real Property; There are 3 liens. The 3rd lien is a voluntary one for the purchase of a home water purification system. In order to sell the property short, the Bank requires that the 3rd lien agree to be released. The lien holder is unreasonable. They ask for the original $4400 + Back Payments, Interest and Penalties which make the release amount about $10,000. Nothing less is acceptable. The Bank may allow 1 or 2 thousand dollars, no more. Can the 3rd lien be eliminated by an administrative action or through bankruptcy?
  • recently was given a Chapter 7 discharge, but Mortgage lender will not give me another loan modification because of income is not sufficient enough. I am behind in Mtg payments can I file a Chapter 13 to get caught up on delinquent mtg payments.
  • I only have one car loan as far as debt. I only get child support as far as income ($300). I go to school full time. A year ago the house I was renting burnt down. It was an accident on my son's(17) part. I have received a bill for about $170,000 to repay the damages. Would Bankruptcy be an option? Can I file with only having this one bill? Would I lose my car since that is all I own now? Do I wait till the bill is older since I just got it?
  • My mother and father n law paid off a loan on a house I had before I married my ex husband never wanted a payment until I made him leave he was doing drugs he moved in with them then lost his job been in jail since. he supposed to pay half and me.He will never have to I was asingle mother for 14 years had to go on disability tok backtime money and got my house made all those payments and paid down 11,600 I draw ss now I have to pay them? I owe for my sons car I signed with he had surgery in school 19plus I have 3 loans.I have a son in college what do I file what do I do??what to file...Unfair!
  • Should I file for bankruptcy if I cannot pay my debts?
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  • I appear for my 341 hearing and approach by a lawyer representing my creditor. I was asked to step out in the hallway and told I had two choice either agree to start repaying or surrender the things I got from them. They also sent me a certified letter. What type of motion can I file for them violating the order of stay?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program