Foreclosure Article

Renting a Foreclosure

1.       Can I rent a property that is in foreclosure?

Yes, but the landlord must provide a written notice of the foreclosure with the rental agreement.

2.       What happens if while I am renting a house the property goes into foreclosure?

If you are renting house and the property goes into foreclosure the landlord must notify you. In fact they must provide you with written notice within 5 business days of the first notice of trustee sale.

3.       Is there a specific form that I need to use to notify a tenant?

Arizona Revised Statute 33-1331 provides a format for how a landlord should set up this information but it is not necessary to use this exact format.  The format is as follows:

This property is undergoing foreclosure. For more information on this action, you should contact ________________ (name, address and phone number of the court where the action is filed or trustee, attorney or other responsible party).

A sale at auction may or may not occur as a result of this foreclosure. Currently, the sale of this property has been set for _________ (time, date and place) or no date for sale of this property has been established.

4.       What happens if the owner fails to provide notice?

If a landlord fails to notify their tenant in writing within 5 business days the tenant may terminate the lease and recover their security deposit. It is also possible to obtain injunctive relief and money for any damages the tenant may have.

5.       As a tenant can I just leave the property if I am not notified properly?

No, a tenant must deliver written notice stating how the landlord breached the agreement and that the rental agreement will end on a specific date. The end date must be at least 10 days after the letter is delivered.

6.       Does this apply to apartment complexes?

No, these laws do not apply to apartment complexes or other multifamily residential complexes that have more than four units.


Updated: February 24, 2017



  • If a writ of eviction is issued after a foreclosure, must the new owner store the evicted person's goods, or are they put out on the street?
  • I live in a house at my parents on their both deceased and I want to file bankruptcy on the house I'm only the void foreclosure can I do this legally
  • My house was place in auction we spend about 30 years living there my original loan was 50.000 by USDA how do I get the full information. sold auction quantity and excess of funds I have contacted Home Equity Invs they informed me that the house was auctioned for 38.000 and i have excess of funds 16.000 how do I check if is true.
  • Bankruptcy was done 6/2010.My mortgage was included and at same time GMAC mortgage was going thru bankruptcy and Ocwen took over my payments which I continued to make. I was not aware that I was to reassume my loan nor advised by Ocwen or lawyer on this. Ocwen took payments and stopped reporting to credit bureau's.Tried Harp but was unable due to no show of a morgage.Struggling to pay 1400mo now.If let go can they report it with lack of show of mortgage.Can they be forced to report back paymt's.what options do I have before I'm forced out of home.Reach me at [email protected]
  • My father passed away in September, 2016. I am the executor of his estate and I have a lawyer representing me and the estate. His house is paid off but he has a 7,000 home equity line of credit. There is no money in the estate to pay any bills except the utilities. It is for sale and hopefully will be sold soon. I received an Act 91 notice. Can a house be foreclosed on that is in probate? There is no money to pay the home equity line of credit bill or the taxes owed till the house is sold
  • In the dot com recession, my IT job disappeared. I had to refinance my home. My son signed the new mortgage because I needed his income to qualify. I have since wished he could be removed but couldn't refi because property values fell. Now my job has once again disappeared and I am facing foreclosure. I am applying for assistance thru SaveYourHome. My mortgage counselor tells me that I would easily qualify except for the co-signer. In the past 2 yrs, my son has gone thru a BK & lay-off. He's been at his new job 9 months makes $13 per hour. I've heard about Quit Claim deeds. Can he be removed?
  • I lost my home to foreclosure back in 2010.I have received a payment from the mortgage relief settlement fund. I want to know if I can seek legal action to file a claim for further compensation. I lost over $100,000( my down payment) when I lost my home. A bank that was part of the settlement was my lender. Thank you.
  • Short Sale question - What do I do if there was not full disclosure at the short sale by the lender that a heloc would still have a balance & they would come after me 4 years later?
  • I have a balloon payment due this November. And I believe my house isn't even worth what I owe at this point. Is someone willing to lend in these cases? Should I be shopping for a fefinance this early? I know we are negative, but we love our house and know it will rebound one day, just need to get through this hard time. Any idea's? Thanks, Tomm
  • We had a home that was foreclosed on in 2008. We had a first mortgage and a second HELC, both by the same bank. They foreclosed via trustee sale, not judicial foreclosure. Can they come after us for the total amount of the HELC?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program