Foreclosure Article

Loan Modification Frequently Asked Questions

A Loan Modification is a permanent change in one or more of the terms of a mortgagor's loan, allows the loan to be reinstated, and results in a payment the mortgagor can afford. To find out more about Loan Modifications, go to the U.S. Department Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website. 

Attached Document
.pdf Loan Modification Frequently Asked Questions



  • what is the time line for eviction. does it ever go thru a court before the sheriff comes knocking? I still have the title to the land, the warranty deed.
  • My house in AZ was foreclosed on& was one of the homes that was part of state of AZ v B of A(national mortgage settlement). Since this foreclosure was part of the successful lawsuit for unfair practices, could I ( and how) can I have it removed from my credit report?
  • My now husband bought a home in 2007 at the peak of the market (before we were married). We can no longer afford the house payment and are now married but only his name still exists on the title. If he forecloses on the home, will both our credit be affected although we got married after he bought the home and the title is still only in his name?
  • I bought a condo in July 07' using funds from a City of Phoenix bond program. I was unaware of a stipulation stating that the owner must occupy the unit for the life of the loan. I was laid off from my employer and I have had to relocate to Texas for work. Now the mortgage company is stating that they can accelerate the loan pay-off requiring me to pay the loan in full. I pay my mortgage payment each month, how can they do this?
  • In 2010 I was granted a bankruptcy, which included my home. However, the home wasn't foreclosed upon until 2011. Now, I want to purchase property. Does the date before I can get a loan count back to when the bankruptcy was granted or to the date of the foreclosure?
  • My house was foreclosed on in 2008; the 2nd Mortgage was not used to purchase the home, and the 2nd Mortgagee has now sold the "note" to a collection agency. If the 2nd Mortgagee never filed or sued me on the deficiency can the collection agency pursue the collection of this debt? Who is the holder of the written contract that I had with the original lender?
  • I am behind $8000.00 dollars on my mortgage. I know they will send a foreclosure notice soon. I have been struggling due to having a medical issue both my wife and myself (Heart Attack). Is there away to keep my home from foreclosure with a a program available to me? I am still working and my wife cannot find employment in Kingman as it is a small town.I have had to file ch-13 and I am still making payments to the court trustee monthly.
  • We recently (7/29/14) lost our home to foreclosure, the question I have is that when we initially bought our home in Oct. 2004 the purchase price was $125,500.00 with a 3 yr arm. we then refinanced to get a fixed interest rate and got some cash to pay off debt, the refi amt was $171,000.00 that was about 5 or 6 yrs ago and now fast forward to 2014 I get a statement from the bank saying we owe $224,600+ thousand dollars on the home, how does my debt increase to that amount and is this legal?
  • My dad and brother owned a home which I lived for 17 years and took care of both my parents. My my died 13 years and my just passed away 5/18/16. My brother does not communicate with me so the house I still live in he foreclosure on. What are my rights I still live here.
  • I recently returned home from a 3 year prison sentence. The home i own was vacant and went into foreclosure. The mortgage company changed the locks, however i still own the home and plan on refinancing and keeping it. Am i allowed back into the house now, to live there since i still legally own it?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program