Other Family Issues Article

Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice

Arizona has three legal aid organizations which cover different regions of the state.

  1. Community Legal Services (800) 852-9075 covers Maricopa, Mohave, Yavapai, Yuma and LaPaz Counties.
  2. Southern Arizona Legal Aid (800) 640-9465 covers southern Arizona.
  3. DNA People’s Legal Services (800) 789-7287 covers northern Arizona.

All legal service programs in Arizona differ, and their criteria for accepting cases vary. The legal aid organizations above all have the same criteria of income restrictions and legal status requirements, but do have varying priorities.

To find out about more Arizona resources that may be able to assist you, you can contact LegalLEARN, Legal Information & Resources at (866) 637-5341.

Individuals may apply for free and reduced fee legal services by using the "Access To Justice Online Intake System" through AZLawHelp. 

If the legal services program in your area cannot assist you, you may be able to find a lawyer through lawyer referral services in Maricopa County (602) 257-4434 or Pima County (520) 623-4625.

The State Bar also maintains a listing of all Arizona attorneys on their website, and certifies “specialists” in eight legal areas. (Not all attorneys seek such certification, however.) Lists of specialists can also be found at the State Bar of Arizona’s website.



  • I'm 29 citizen of phoenix az. I have been thru a violent abused on my age of 8.9.10. Thru 16 . My dad was a domestic violence and and my mom let him violence fighting like I was another man, not his son.i help them with my five brothers younger, and clean up everithing . My dad was a violent person he have record even in mexico. Too violent with me and discriminate of been gay and much more staff. Do I have a right. He never help me . Never do nothing for me. He trough me from his house having no place to go after a remodel everithing. And didn't pay me nothing,can I take them to court for thi
  • My ex-husband and myself have joint legal custody of our 14yr old daughter. Our divorce was final in 2007, I am now remarried and my current husband has a new job out of state and my daughter has expressed wanting to live with us during the school year and her father during all holiday and summer breaks. I'm fine with this arrangment, her father is not. At what age in AZ is a childs wishes taken into consideration? Thank you
  • What are the consequences for failing to provide an AFI, to the other party, when it is required by court order?
  • My daughter's father and I have child support and visitation established, the court has left the visitation under our discussion, he and I decided on ones week him and one week for myself. I have enrolled our 4 year old in a preschool and I pay the full amount for our child to attend. Before I enrolled her I asked him if he would be willing to take her and pick her up from school. He agreed and now her wants me to take her out of school because he states it is not convenient for him to drive her back and forth to school, what are my legal rights and can he force me to pull her out of school?
  • If a parent severs rights to their children and the state adopts them. can you request for any kind of visitation? What if one of the children was adopted by their blood grandmother, can you go to court and ask fort visitations?
  • I have had credit card debt for years that I have not paid on how long can they harassess me by state lasw
  • My daugher and ex boyfriend are the parent of my grandson 8. They were both addicts, my daughter 2 years ago hit the wall and ended up go to rehab and has been sober 2 years now he is still in drugs undocumented dealer, since becoming sober she has paid for his life/health ins thru BCBS now his father has gone an gotten AHCCCS where can I report him for fraud?
  • My father is on his death bed in bullhead city. All past wills have included #1 I want to be buried in the nearest VA cemetary. His current wife of 3 years has paid for a cremation. She has a new will and will not produce it to any of 3 children. She has power of atty. We also believe she requested he be taken off cardiac meds when going into hospice, and believe this was negligent?? When does she need to produce a will?? Please help
  • I am currently going through a divorce, where there is no custody established, and am pregnant. I have been put on strict bedrest. I am trying to move to Nevada where I will have more help from my older children's father and be able to be on bedrest like I'm supposed to. Would I be able to file a petition for relocation with a minor, and temporarily move before the 60 days, without getting in trouble for it. And will it effect how they decide custody. Also, I have a PO against the other parent, and there has been domestic violence toward me and the children during our marriage.
  • Is my 16 year old daughter legally able to decide which parent she lives with?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program