Parental Rights & Obligations Article
Arizona's Booster Seat Laws
Car and Booster Seat LawsArizona law requires all children under the age of five must be seated in a legally recognized child restraint system. A child restraint system is a general term for devices used in a vehicle to protect infants and children from being injured in an accident and includes items such as car seats, infant safety seats and booster seats. On August 2, 2012 Arizona expanded the law to include children up to eight years old who are shorter than four feet nine inches.
What is a legally recognized child restraint system?
The law defines a child restraint system, commonly referred to as a car or booster seat, as a device designed to be used in a motor vehicle or a plane to seat a child who weighs less than 66 pounds. This device is not merely a seat belt. This system may be an add-on, built-in, factory installed, rear facing, child restraint system or a booster seat.
Is there an age requirement?
Yes, children under five must be in a child restraint system. Children between five and eight must be in a child restraint system until they are taller than four feet nine inches.
My child is seven years old but is five feet tall, does he need a booster seat?
No. If a child is over five years old and is above the height requirement then the child does not need to be in a booster seat.
My child is 8 years old, but only four foot eight does he need a booster seat?
No. Only children under eight years old are required under the law to be in a child restraint system.
What happens if I am pulled over and do not have a child restraint system?
If an officer believes you have broken the law he will ask the driver the age and height of the child to determine if the law has been broken.
What happens if I break the law?
A person who breaks the law may be fined $50.
Are there any exceptions to receiving a fine?
A person may not have to pay the $50 fine if they prove, by a receipt sent to the court, that the car is later equipped with a child restraint system.
I need help installing my car seat is there any place I can go?
Many police and fire stations will inspect and show you how to properly install your car seat. For more information contact your local station or call the Child Safety Seat Hotline at 602-543-8687.
Are there any loaner or rental programs for car or booster seats?
Yes, there are several organizations and agencies where a person can rent a car or booster seat for little or no cost. Hospitals are even required by law to give out this information to new parents. If you are in need of a rental program contact your local hospital, or the Children are Priceless Passengers (C.A.P.P.) safety program for information.
Does this law apply to all vehicles?
No, certain vehicles are exempt from this law. A list of those vehicles can be found under A.R.S. 28-907(H) and under A.R.S. 28-907(B).
Where can I find the law?
The Arizona law or Arizona Revised Statues can be found on the Arizona State Legislature's page, . The child restraint system law is Arizona Revised Statute 28-907.
My kids father abandoned us the day I out that I was pregnant th our 2nd child my son at the time was 1. He is now 7 and I'd like to remove the dad from my son's birth certificate. How can I do this?
My parental rights were severed to my son who was born in 2003, members of my family have visitation rights. Is there anyway I can request to visit? And how old does he need to be to have contact with me?
I am divorced and my ex took my children out of the state of arizona. She didnt give written notice of this and she lied to me and the children that she was moving some where else in the state what can I do to get my children back???
My ex wife and I have been divorced for 18 months and it involved two kids. Our divorce decree and final agreement is filed in Rogers County Oklahoma. I now live in Arizona and have since the separation in May of 05. This summer my son came to visit and he has been asking his mom if he could live here and she gave me written and verbal permission that he could and now he has been here for 3 months with the agreement that we would modify the final agreement and child support. He is enrolled in school and school activities and after school activities and is doing very well. She is now wanting him to come back to Oklahoma and I want to file documents to keep her from doing this........can I do it here in Arizona or does he have to be here for a certain amount of time? Where can I go to get more info on the net?
Me and my boyfriend are both 16 and I'm pregnant but my grandparents are trying to say he can't see the baby or have nothing to do with his child, does he have any rights as a teen father to be in his childs life.?
My daughters father has now seen her since dec 2011 when she was only 2 months old. He does not ask or attempt visits i do have sole custody, can i ask a judge to take away his rights?
My boyfriend and I have broking up and he took our two boys ages 2yrs and 11months old to las Vegas and we haven't gone to court,can he do that? We have never been married either,what can I do to get them back?
my girlfriend and i got our parental rights severed by the courts. can we get them reinstated
Please describe what the courts look at for "best Interest for the child". Do they take into account what the child(ren) want?
does a father have to pay ful medical if both parents share custody?
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