Parental Rights & Obligations Article

Adoption and Child Welfare

The Adoption & Child Welfare LawSite is a free, online service for both adoptive families and professionals.  It is the nation’s only comprehensive searchable site for statutes, regulations, key cases and leading articles about adoption and child welfare law from all 50 states.


Summary of Arizona Adoption Statutes

This Summary includes the following information

  • Who May be Adopted

  • Who May Place an Adoptee

  • Who May Adopt

  • Who May not Adopt

  • Types of Adoptions

  • Consent Requirements and Information

  • Procedures

  • Safe Surrender Laws

  • Access to Records

  • Financial Issues

Summary of Arizona Termination of Parental Rights Statutes

This Summary includes statutes and explanations of following information

  • Involuntary Parental termination

  • Notice Rights

  • Grounds for Parental Termination

  • Process

  • Dispositions

  • To access links to Arizona statues, cases and articles about adoption and Child Welfare, go to 



    • This is a plea for my best friend. She is desperate need of legal help. She has shared custody of her 7 year old daughter with the father of the daughter and his wife. Her ex and his wife have harassed her, have bullied her by coming to her work and causing a scene, that resulted in the police getting called. They have given consent for the daughter to have surgery without the consent of my friend (the girls mom) or even telling her that she was going to have surgery. My friend found out after the surgery was done and the girls face was swollen and purple.
    • My daughter is not married and has a 5 month old baby. The father is already listed on the birth certificate and now wants to "sign away" any parental rights. Is it possible to just sign away all rights? Will he still have to provide child support if he signs away all the rights?
    • I have a defiant 17 year old daughter who is violent and verbally abusive. She has even damaged our home by punching holes in the doors and is using drugs. She will not follow any of our rules and basically comes and goes as she pleases. She turns 18 in 5 months, but will not graduate high school until May of next year. Are we still responsible for her until she graduates, or do our responsibilities end once she turns 18? She is causing turmoil and fear within our home and we just don't know what our rights are.
    • My son is 17 and in high school with twins on the way. What is his finacial obligation while in school? Can the mother come after my husband and I for child support? The mother is of legal age and out of school, so do the courts take that into consideration?
    • I was a victum of domesticviolence. Because of that my son and i had to live with my drug addticed mother. Now the father of my son has full custody. And i am forced to pay child support i can not afford it. What should i do?
    • I and my children's father have been divorced for several years. The children are very comfortable with my boyfriend and I trust him explicitly. Recently, one of the children was injured at school. Administration attempted to contact me, but I was unavailable, as was my ex. My boyfriend is listed as an emergency contact but has no decision making rights over the kids. Can I afford him POA to make those decisions without the consent of my ex?
    • Dad lives in Tucson, Mom moved out of State. Dad has primary custody. Dad wants to take daughter to Sierra Vista for a couple of days, Mom objects, saying he needs her permission. It's about 65 mile drive. Does dad need her permission everytime he wants to take a short rode trip within AZ? Thanks in advance.
    • my son's father wants him to visit him in texas, my son is 3 and has maybe seen his father maybe 10 times in his lifetime if i let my son go to texas for a visit and he wont let him come back what can i do?
    • I live with my parents but want to move to another town to re establish my career. they have helped me raise my daughter and now are telling me i cannot take her with me. i have custody of her and their defense is that they have invested alot of time in her. i have the right to just move with her do i not?
    • In Arizona what educational decisions are covered under Joint Legal & Physical Custody Major Decisions?




    • Please select your county of residence below.



    • State Bar of Arizona
    • Maricopa County Bar
      Referral number 602-257-4434
    • Pima County Bar
      Referral number 520-623-4625
    • National Domestic Violence Hotline
    • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
    • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program