Domestic Violence Article

Coconino County Resources for Domestic Violence

Coconino County Resources for Domestic Violence

Coconino County Superior Court, 200 N. San Francisco, Flagstaff, AZ

Presiding Judge (928) 779-6546

Clerk of the Court (928) 779-6535

Conciliation Court (928) 779-6805

Law Library and Self-Help Center (928) 779-6656 or (877) 806-3187

Domestic Violence - Abuse Crisis Counseling

Another Way (Page) (928)645-5300

Arizona Child Abuse or Neglect Hotline (CPS) 1-888-SOS-CHILD (1-888-767-2445)

Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence 1-800-782-6400

Boys Town National Hotline (24 Hours) 1-800-448-3000


Flagstaff Catholic Social Services (928)774-9125

Guidance Center (928)527-1899

Kateri Services (Flagstaff) (928)779-7141

Community Behavioral Health Services (928)645-5113 (928)645-8180

National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-SAFE(7233) TTY:1-800-787-7224

Native Americans for Community Action (928)526-2968 (928)773-1245

Northern Arizona Regional Behavioral Health Services (928)774-2070

Northland Family Health Ctr. (928)774-4503

Parents Anonymous of AZ (Crisis Hotline) 1-800-352-0528

Verde Valley Sanctuary (24 hours) (928)634-2511

Domestic Violence - Counseling for Abusers

Alternatives to Violence Program (928)774-4503

Community Behavioral Health Services (928)645-5113 (928)645-8180

Flagstaff Catholic Social Services (928)774-9125

Guidance Center (928)527-1899

Native Americans for Community Action (928)526-2968 (928)773-1245

Northland Family Help Center (928)774-4503

Parents Anonymous of AZ (Crisis Hotline) 1-800-352-0528

Domestic Violence - Shelters/Safe Houses; (24 hours)

Another Way (Page) (928)645-5300

Boys Town National Hotline (24 Hours) 1-800-448-3000 TTY:1-800-448-1833

Family Harmony Inc. (Tuba City) (928)283-4650

Northland Family Help Center-Children's Shelter (928)527-1900

Northland Family Help Center-Women's Shelter (928)527-1900


(602)774-7353 (crisis)

Southeastern Arizona Resource Council (520)432-5401

Sunshine Rescue Mission (928)774-3512

Information Resources

Community Information and Referral(24 hours) 602-263-8856 1-800-352-3792

Contact Shelter Hotline-24 Hour Information & Referral (602)263-8856


Native Americans for Community Action (928)526-2968 (928)773-1245

Parent Assistance Hotline (Information on Parents' Legal Rights) 1-800-732-8193

Legal Services

DNA People's Legal Services, Flagstaff (928)774-0653 1-800-789-5781

DNA People's Legal Services, Tuba City (928)283-5265

Verde Valley Sanctuary Legal Advocacy (928)639-2079

Orders of Protection/Injunctions Against Harassment

Flagstaff Municipal Court (928)774-1401

Fredonia Municipal Court (928)643-7242

Page Municipal Court (928)645-4280 

Williams Municipal Court (928)635-4456

Flagstaff Justice Courts (928)779-6806

Fredonia Justice Courts (928)643-7472

Page Justice Courts (928)645-8871

Williams Justice Courts (928)635-2691

Clerk of the Superior Court (928)779-6535

Victim Rights and Witness Assist Program

AZ State Attorney General (602)542-4911

Victim Services

Victim Rights and Witness Assist Program - AZ State Attorney General (602)542-4911

Victim's Witness Services for Coconino County (928)779-6163

Revised June 2006



  • My husband abuses me in public n at home, im felling mentally harassed by him coz he goes to office n come home but does'nt speak to me at all, im all alone at home, i dont have a work permit yet, he is planning to send me back to my country, i guess this is the reason he wants to mentally harass me so that i go crazy n leave him , so please help me how to get out of this situation, calling 911 would help me in this situation ?
  • I call the cops on my boyfriend and I lied to them saying that my boyfriend hit me and he did not he is now in jail how do I correct this. It all started because he brought some female car to our house to do oil change. I started the argument and the fight I threw chair at him he blocked it where it came back and hit me in arm.
  • Our 16 year old son became aggressive after a shopping outing and began beating up my wife taking her to the ground. We are wondering what legal options we have since the answer we are getting from all agencies is that we just have to deal with it and work it out ourselves. We are looking for help of any kind including juvenile detention or detainment in a health facility. I am afraid to leave the house if our son is there and afraid of what he might do in the middle of the night since he has uttered death threats.

    Where to get Tramadol (ultram) without prescription?

  • My parents kept seeing maks on my body assuming it was from being beat when really it was from aggressive sexual activities with my fiancé. Even though I told them it wasn't abuse I was embarrassed and afraid to tell them otherwise, so when they filed a report against my fiancé stating that he was hurting me and after I begged them not to do so they made it seem like they had already picked him up and took him in so when I spoke to the officer I was extremely distraught and went along with it anyways. He faces a hearing is there anyway I can stop this from happening,
  • I tried to get the order of protection against me on behalf of my daughter quashed and my ex was at the hearing with a lawyer, witnesses, evidence, etc. and I was there with just me and my fiance. Can I file to get another hearing since I didn't know that is what to expect. She filed it and I wasn't there. Why did she get to be there when I was suppose to plea my side?
  • My ex husband came through the drive thru of my work while I was off, said to a coworker that he would pay him to kill me. My co worker told me and my boss about this. The police were notified and they said, " Well youre still standing, I guess if anything happens to you, we will start an investigation." Is this legal?
  • I have an ex boyfriend that I work with. He has threatened me, harassed me and my roommates at and outside of work, and has stolen things from me. I have brought it up to our boss who talked with him and warned him not to contact me but I am still afraid to go to work. What can I do?
  • Can I put a restraining order on my wife for myself and our three children? We are in the middle of a divorce and the kids live with me, I take care of them, she hardly calls or comes to see them but everytime I don't give her money she threatens to take them and remove them from school while I'm at work? I need an order of protection to keep her away until the court hearing. Can I do this?
  • I am an immigrant on a work visa. I got married to a US citizen a month ago. He abuses me physically and emotionally.I am scared about deportation, if I take any legal action.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program